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MOTIF ES7 to MOTIF XF7 - Wrong decision?

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as a long-time-user of YAMAHA-products generally and of the great MOTIF ES7, which I have used for almost 10 Years now, I've decided to make an upgrade to YAMAHAs top of the line product (by now), the MOTIF XF7. It was by now a very wrong decision for a lot of money!

I'm a kind of power-live-user. By far not in the way of my playing style but in the extensive use of the old MOTIF ES7. I'm playing the keyboards in my bands, with hundreds of samples, often with backing-tracks which I've programmed in SONG-mode, and always with a click-track (TR10). My main workflow is to play in SONG/PATTERN-MODE, controlled by a MASTER-SETUP for each SONG/PATTERN. Each SONG/PATTERN holds loads of sounds/layers, set to MIDI-CH1, layered/split on the entired keyboard. The ES7 itself controls MAINSTAGE and some racksynths via Pgch. This workflow was perfect or me on the ES7, I've ran hundreds of concerts by now...

This is where the XF7 comes in!

At first I was sucessful in "converting" all the PRESET-voices of the ES7 to this XF7, just by saving them in the ES7 as USER-Voices and then loading them in the XF7. All my other USR-Voices are working well.

BUT: After using the XF7 for some days I've noticed following behaviour:

1) polyphony: The ES7 was capable of doing a layer of 3 sounds (Pad) and some more 3 Layers (Synth-Bells). Playing live (left hand: Pad, right hand Bells) never caused any problem. The XF7 does not even handle the pad-sound anymore, without dropping notes!! 128 VOICES? By far not. Or just a very bad polyphony-algorithm, compared with the ES7. Please regard that I'm using the absolut same sounds/song-setup! WHAT?

2) MASTER Change-Over: A complete Desaster!! The MOTIF ES7 is capable of switching MASTER-Setups in half a second. THE MOTIF XF7 is far away from that!! The change-over takes more than one second, which is in case of playing a medley which different backing-tracks/tempi, which have to be started on "1" an absolute NOGO! Before "reaching" the next MASTER-setup, the sound crackles, cutsoff, crank noise... you hopefully know what I mean!
(Please YAMAHA-guys, don't argue once more, that the XF7 has much more to do to because of the multiple OSC, FX, MFX to switch over... I'm knowing these posts very well, concerning "MASTER change". The only question is: How could this be that the ES7 rocks it, but XF7 sucks so damn bad.

3) I'm playing (once more) in MASTER-MODE, setup C02 (= Song 1, sequencer is running). While playing, I want to "preselect" another MASTER-setup C07 (= Song 3), so I'm just pressing the Group-Button C, not yet "7". What's happening? For some time XF7 is not more reponding to keyboard-action, notes are hanging! WHAT?

Okay, I'm trying now to stop the sequencer in that "preselect" mode (just have pressed the Group-Button C), because of song-ending (ritardando).
What's happening? The sequencer can't be stopped! WHAT?

Okay,okay. To stop the sequencer, I have to EXIT this "preselect" mode by pressing the EXIT-Button.
What's happening: For some milli-seconds XF7 is again not more responding to keyboard-action. WHAT?
The same for external gear (as described, I'm running some rack synths and MAINSTAGE, controlled via XF7) -> no outgoing MIDI-signal. WHAT???
Once more the question: How could this be that the ES7 rocks it, but XF7 sucks so damn bad.

Maybe more issues coming up after using XF7 for longer time. I've read about much more malfunctions (oh my god!)

The described situations are absolutely reproducable and are a 1:1 comparsion from ES7 to XF7 (latest OS, of course).

Please YAMAHA-guys, do you have any suggestions to make this work, please not by argueing that I'm using the wrong MODE or should be better in EQing instead of layering sounds. Please, don't tell me, that the XF7 has soooo much wonderful features above the ES.

Please, just tell me, is there is a chance to get these rudimental functions of the ES7 working on the XF7?

The financial side: I've invested more than 3.000,00 EUR for the XF7 (including flashboards...) Maybe you could understand my posting much better.

Thank you very much for any help.

Best regards

Posted : 11/12/2015 7:55 pm
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hey guys,

is there anybody who can help me to fix the described problems? Eventually there is a solution!

Very sad that I've got no reply from official side, YAMAHA. Saying it again, I've invested a lot of money, even with my latest purchase, the XF7. Doesn't that include the right of an answer? No problem YAMAHA, if the MOTIF XF can't do such things the ES did... please let me know. Looking forward...

Thank you!

Posted : 25/12/2015 7:14 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Sorry, but I didn't see a legitimate question in your original post. Just buyer's remorse... Perhaps if you relax, take the time to rephrase your rant in the form of a question. ("WHAT?" is not a question.) We get that you are confused about just how to use your new Motif XF after a decade using your (now very familiar)ES, but really.

The XF can do such things... Used properly. We await your legitimate questions, we would be glad to help! Happy holiday!

Posted : 26/12/2015 12:16 am
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Thanks for your reply, Bad Mister. If you have read my posting carefully, you could have stated to each point, if you have wanted to. I'm pretty sure you know exactly what I'm talking about!

Things aren't easy as you want them to: If I just wanted to place a remorse, I would have written „XF7 is crap“ and not given such detailed description on the issues. Sorry Mr. Mister for the clear words you may not have expected. It's not true, that the word „WHAT?“ has been my only question... you know that!

I'm now trying to explain the situation in a probably more „Bad Mister-wanted“ way, although I'm pretty sure that all other users previously understood.


I'm owning the XF7 for about one month and it is by far the best instrument I've ever owned. It has so many improvements above the ES7 which I am using for a decade. I really love the sounds and also the feel of the key-action, the black colour is so beautiful. The screen is kind of awesome, the handling of FlashROM is really user-friendly, it's a complete no-brainer. I'm so happy with my new board, but really! After playing around a little bit, I've noticed the following:

a) In SONG-mode there are slight polyphony-differences between ES and XF. I'm not able to play my ES7-setups with for example a layer of 3 sounds (Pad) and some more 3 Layers (Synth-Bells). I'm playing this setup in live situations (left hand: Pad, right hand Bells) and this never caused any problem on my ES7. The XF7 obviously does not handle the sounds without cutting of notes.

Q1: Could it be, that the polyphony-algorithm has been degraded in this particular context, comparing to ES?

Q2: Is there a way to get this ES-setup smoothly running on the XF?
(not by erasing tracks,...)

b) In MASTER-mode (the mode is always refering to SONG) I've noticed slight differences between ES an XF. The MASTER – Transition (Change-Over from one to another MASTER-set) takes more time than the ES. The MOTIF ES7 is capable of switching MASTER-Setups (all refering to SONGS) in less than half a second. THE MOTIF XF7 takes at least 3 times as much. When I was playing during transition, the sound crackles, cutsoff, some crank noise appears.

Q1: Could it be that MASTER-transition has been degraded in this particular context, comparing to the ES?

Q2: Is there a way to get to the same (short) transition-time as the ES in this particular case?

c1) In MASTER-mode (as stated above always refering to SONG), I am playing my setup C02 (here: refers to Song 5), sequencer is running. Now I want to "preselect" another MASTER-setup C07 (= Song 3), so I'm just pressing the Group-Button C, not yet "07". For some time XF7 is not more responding to keyboard-action, notes are hanging. I've compared this with my ES, which operates smoothly.

Q1: Could it be that this preselection has been degraded in this particular context, comparing to the ES?

Q2: Is there a way to get to the same un-interrupted playing as the ES?

c2) After preselected the Group-Button C, I want to stop the sequencer because of song-ending.
I've noticed that nothing happens when I press the STOP-Button on the transport-bar. The sequencer can't be stopped at that time. I've compared this with my ES, which operates correct.

Q1: Could it be that this funcion has been degraded in this particular context, comparing to the ES?

Q2: Is there a way to get the STOP-function working in this „mode“?

c3) To stop the sequencer I have to EXIT this "preselect"-mode by pressing the EXIT-Button. I've noticed, that for some milli-seconds the XF7 is again not more responding to keyboard-action. The same behaviour appears for external gear (I'm running some rack synths and MAINSTAGE, controlled via XF7) -> there's no outgoing MIDI-signal. I've compared this with my ES, which operates smoothly. WHAT? (oh, sorry for that!).

Q1: Could it be that this function has degraded in this particular context, comparing to the ES?

Q2: Is there a way to play without interruption in this „mode“?

Please notice that this writing above is an revised version of my posting from dec. 11, 2015. Meanwhile I've noticed some more unexpected behaviour of XF (e.g. in VOICE EDIT mode the buttons don't react as expected, according to the screen) ... maybe I'll get back to that next time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Posted : 28/12/2015 7:36 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

We highly recommend you contact the Yamaha Customer Service department servicing your area. What you describe is not typical, and could be a real problem. The XF is on tour with top acts around the world and it is because of its reliable performance, great sound, etc. If you are loading ES sounds (based on only 4 Elements) it is not, or should not be taxing your XF which is based on double the number of oscillators per Voice, and has faster envelopes, faster filters, and overall faster response.

Please contact your Yamaha Service and try to describe your actual issue, as you would to someone from whom you would like help. Bring along your data, so they can help you analyze exactly why you are getting the response you are getting.

Posted : 30/12/2015 4:22 pm

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