Can I move an entire preset bank to a user bank?
From the Motif XF Owner’s Manual….
Preset: 1,024 Normal Voices + 64 Drum Kits
GM: 128 Normal Voices + 1 Drum Kit
User: 128 x 4 (Bank 1: original, Bank 2 – 4: selected and copied from Preset bank)
+ 32 Drum Kits (No. 1 – 8: original, No. 9 – 32: selected and copied from Preset bank)
There are 8 Banks of 128 Normal Preset Voices, plus 1 Bank containing 64 Preset Drum Kits
There is 1 Bank of 128 Normal GM Voices plus 1 GM Kit
There are 4 Banks of 128 Normal User Voices
User 1 Bank is made up of new original Voices
While User 2, User 3 and User 4 already contain “placeholder” Voices which are copied from the various Preset Banks.
There are 32 User Drum Kits: Kits 1-8 are new original Kits, while Kits 9 thru 32 contain “placeholder” Kits which are copied from the Preset Drum Bank.
Note: The “placeholder” Voices are to be freely overwritten by the user. They are duplicates of existing Preset Voices.
The “Yamaha Motif XF Editor Standalone / VST” is the easiest way to move Motif XF Voices around.
Obviously there isn’t room for all the Presets, nor does it make any difference where they are.
If you are a Cubase user you will discover all Factory Presets are already installed as “VST presets” in the Cubase MediaBay/Sound Browser.
From the article LINK: Adding Voice Libraries to Cubase as VST PRESETS….
The Sound Browser is already populated with the entire Motif XF factory Library - these were installed when you installed the "Yamaha Motif XF Editor Standalone/VST" on your computer. The data for every Voice was sent to a special VST3 FOLDER on your computer.
Thank you.