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I'm wondering if this task can be accomplished before an entire .X3A file is loaded.
Assuming I know User Voices, Performances and samples to load are pertaining User bank 3, bit for somewhat reasons I need to load them into User bank 2. What am I to do?
Posted : 15/11/2014 9:09 pm
You can direct any USER bank from a FILE to any USER bank in your Motif XF.
Please see the LOAD TYPE option called "1 BANK VOICE"
The step-by-step is found in the REFERENCE MANUAL on page 243
"Loading a specific Voice or all the Voices of a specific Bank from an “all” or “all voice” file"
Posted : 15/11/2014 9:47 pm
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Thanks for your reply!
Posted : 16/11/2014 10:33 am