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Compatible upgrade?

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Are any of the newer (and hopefully more robust) Yamaha synths able to read the "Pattern" and "Song" files?
I would like to upgrade but have programmed heaps of songs using the MOXF8 - which is on its last legs unfortunately.
Any advice would be most appreciated!

Posted : 26/07/2021 1:08 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

All 741MB of MOXF Wave ROM is included in the 5.67GB of Wave ROM of the MONTAGE/MODX
All 3,977 MOXF waveforms are included in the 6,347 MONTAGE/MODX waveforms
All of MODX Presets: (1,152 Normal Voices + 72 Drum Kits) and the GM: 128 Normal Voices + 1 Drum Kit are included among the 2739 programs in the MONTAGE, and the 2227 programs in the MODX.

The way to move your Sequencer data from one device to another is to use Standard MIDI File (SMF) format… the .mid file is universally readable by most any sequencer.

You should prepare your data for transfer by saving each MOXF SONG as a SMF in .mid format.
Save each MOXF PATTERN SECTION as a SMF in .mid format. (Each Section must be a separate .mid file).

This will move all your MIDI data.
You will need to rebuild your 16-Part Mixing setups for each composition. The new products (MONTAGE/MODX) do not use the Voice mode, at all. And the Mixing setups of the MOXF are not compatible with the MONTAGE/MODX architecture.

Everything is a Performance… which can have as few as single Part or as many as sixteen Parts. You can play as many as eight Parts simultaneously via the Keyboard. Song and Pattern modes are 16 Tracks

See this thread: Migrating MOXF Data to MODX Architecture

Posted : 27/07/2021 1:20 am

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