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I installed a 1GB flash board in my MOXF6 and copied the file Inspiration In A Flash onto a memory stick, then copied it onto the MOXF flash board, everything seems to have loaded OK, but I have noticed that there are multiple voices with the same name and sound the same, it seems I have double copies of a number of sounds, and can't think what has gone wrong, or how to delete the copies in the user library.

Posted : 23/02/2015 9:06 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Welcome to the Forums! We are certain we can help you but we require some details.

A bit more information is necessary from you. What Voices are duplicated.. You can be specific, it can only help because not only don't we know what you did, we cannot see your instrument.

You are saying that "sounds" or "voices" are duplicated??? The words you use are non-specific... Do you mean "Voices" do you mean "Waveforms"? Be specific.
Which ones are duplicated (exactly)? Don't be afraid to use the Names we know the data fairly well.

What was the name of the file ... Was it a .X3A (Motif XF All file) or a .X6A (MOXF All file)?
What did you do exactly when you loaded the data... Did you mark the boxes "with waveform", "with sample"?

Press [FILE]
Press [F6] FLASH
Press [SF2] DELETE
this will show you a list of the Waveforms you have installed.
Use the DOWN CURSOR or Data Dial to view the list's contents

How many Waveforms did you install to your Flash Board?

Let us know.

Posted : 23/02/2015 10:24 pm
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Hi, Thanks for your quick response. I cannot remember exactly what I did when loading the files, I know it was called INSPFLSH.X6A. But I have decided I am going to do a factory reset, then start again. I haven't saved anything that is important to me, so I am not worried about loosing any user data after factory reset. Thank you again, I'll let you know how it goes.

Posted : 24/02/2015 11:38 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Just FYI... A Factory reset does not clear your Flash Boards, so this is not the equivalent of starting again. In fact, it will ensure that you further compound your issue by tripling the now duplicated data.

If you truly want to "start again" you want to FORMAT your Flash Board. Just FYI.

Posted : 24/02/2015 2:44 pm
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Hi, I forgot to say I was going to format the flash board, I have done this today, and started again, and followed instructions carefully, all went well, (no duplicates) and all new waveforms and samples are in the MOXF6. can't wait to make my own personal library. Thanks again for your help, I know where to come if I have any other questions.

Posted : 24/02/2015 8:28 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Once you have installed Waveforms to your FLASH BOARD... You have created your own Waveform List. Those Waveforms will remain on your Flash Board from now until you either reFormat that Board or you manually DELETE them.

Every time you make a File your Waveform List will automatically be backed up to that File. Please recognize that YOUR Waveform List can and eventually will be unique to *YOUR* MOXF. It will be representative of the Waveforms that Select to "keep". And it is mandatory that you always Load data from your own files - if you want to maintain the integrity of your list.
Because Waveforms can never be overwritten - new Waveforms are simply added to the END of the List

Whenever you load a File you must ask yourself: By Loading this new File, do I want to add new Waveforms to my Waveform List, or are the Waveforms already installed?

If you do not need to add new Waveforms, make sure the box "with waveform" is NOT marked.
As you can tell it takes time to install Waveform data, to avoid having to wait - to avoid duplicating Waveforms... Once your Waveforms are in place, you can simply load your files without adding new waveforms. It will be way, way, way quicker.

So say you FACTORY SET your instrument... Which will return the User banks to the ones that came from the factory...
Then say, later on, you want to reload the Inspiration in a Flash VOICES. You will always want to reLoad the data from your own backup File. Because YOUR backup file represents exactly WHERE your Waveforms were installed on your Waveform List.
When you LOAD you would select to clear the box "with waveforms" because the waveforms for the "Inspiration in a Flash" are already installed on your Flash Board. So instead of 20 minutes, the Voices will load in 20 seconds.

Make sense?

Posted : 25/02/2015 11:33 am

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