Dear Bad Mister,
I rephrase my question about midi messages to increment and decrement pattern sections.
The problem is that I only have a midi pedalboard with 4 footswitchs. That's why I'd like to assign:
Footswitch N°1-Pattern up
Footswitch N°2-Pattern Down
Footswitch N°3-sections up
Footswitch N°4-sections down
I know F0 43 7E 00 ss dd F7. But it's not possible to have a sixteen footswitch to program the sixteen differents sections (ss):
A = 00
B = 01
C = 02
D = 03
E = 04
F = 05
G = 06
H = 07
I = 08
J = 09
K = 0A
L = 0B
M = 0C
N = 0D
O = 0E
P = 0F
So...what are the sysex messages to edit:
-Pattern up
-Pattern Down
-sections up
-sections down
Thanks for your help
There are no such messages, as far as I know, sorry.