In UTILITY - CTL ASN - FT SW, the FSAssign can be set to control '96 [ArpSw]' to control the ARPEGGIO on/off. Is this 96 a cc# that can be used to control that setting externally? Can this message be sent and received, just received, or is it disconnected from external control altogether (excepting an appropriate SYSEX message)? If this is a possible message, over what port does it get sent/received?
As a note, I have an S90ES as well and have been able to accomplish this using cc90, since this can be set in the S90ES's UTILITY - CTL ASN - ARP - Switch setting. To my knowledge the MOXF does not have this option. However, the MOXF ref manual states the following in reference to the UTILITY - CTN ASN - FT SW - FS (Foot Switch Control Number) setting...
From this display you can determine the Control Change number generated by using the Footswitch connected to the FOOT SWITCH [ASSIGNABLE] jack. Keep in mind that if the same MIDI Control Change messages as set here are received from an external device, the internal tone generator also responds to those messages as if the Footswitch of the instrument itself was used.
Settings: off, 1 – 95, arp sw, play/stop, PC inc, PC dec, octave reset
I have tried sending cc96 (velocity 127) messages to the MOXF8 and the Arpeggio switch does not respond.
In UTILITY - CTL ASN - FT SW, the FSAssign can be set to control '96 [ArpSw]' to control the ARPEGGIO on/off. Is this 96 a cc# that can be used to control that setting externally?
No, while a Foot Switch set to 96 will turn the COMMON ARP SWITCH ON and OFF. This does not mean that sending cc96 IN via MIDI will adjust this function. The Foot Switch is used physically to toggle the Arp On/Off... And must be connected physically The Common Arp Switch is not available to external messages (other than System Exclusive).
Can this message be sent and received, just received, or is it disconnected from external control altogether (excepting an appropriate SYSEX message)?
The FS does not transmit cc96 Out via MIDI, nor does receiving cc96 via MIDI activate the Common Arp Switch. The MOXF simply uses this otherwise unused Control Change to address its own Common Arp Switch parameter.
The MOXF Foot Switch can be set to send the following cc messages out via MIDI: cc001-cc095 (except cc032 which is reserved for Bank Select). The others (arp sw, play/stop, PC Inc, PC Dec, and Oct Reset) address the MOXF directly.
Bummer. It would be easier if the MOXF could handle this via a control change message, even if like the S90ES ([UTILITY] - [CTL ASN] - [ARP] - Switch).
I was able to work around it by using MidiPipe to convert a cc parameter value (sent from Ableton) to the appropriate sysex message. So not a huge bummer.
Thanks for your response.