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MOF Flash Copy

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I have a second Flash Drive (512) that I want to copy my original Flash Drive (512) over to.
I tried Using File, Backup ALL with Samples to a 512GB USB but the copied file is way smaller that what is being used on the original Flash Drive.
How do i do an exact copy one one flash drive to another? (this is for two MOXF8's that I want to be mirror copies of each other)

Posted : 10/08/2023 12:24 am
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I have a second Flash Drive (512) that I want to copy my original Flash Drive (512) over to.

1. What is this '512' you refer to?
2. Flash Drive? or Flash memory on the MOXF?

If you are talking about a USB thumb drive then the process is:

1. make sure your USB thumb drive is compatible with the MOXF

2. format the USB on the MOXF

3. copy your USB on your computer - not on the MOXF

Posted : 10/08/2023 3:02 am
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Flash Drive - FL512M
To clarify.
I have a second MOXF8 to use as a backup as I am doing a one man band show and I can't afford to have a keyboard malfunction as my MOXF is the heart and brain of the show. All midi files play directly to the MOXF and my VL3 harmonizer from my iPad. My Flash drive holds all of my new patches, critical harmony vocals, etc. and if it goes down the show would come to a grinding halt.
I am trying to make the 2nd MOXF8 a complete mirror image of the original.
I am using a 512GB USB to copy using "FILE, SAVE, ALL (with samples)" but the file ends up being way smaller than what my Flashdrive memory shows as being used so I figure I am doing something wrong but cant seem to find any other way of doing it online.

Posted : 10/08/2023 5:09 pm
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My Flash drive holds all of my new patches, critical harmony vocals, etc. and if it goes down the show would come to a grinding halt.

You seem to be confusing keyboard things with USB things.

If your keyboard 'goes down' just unplug the USB stick and plug it into the backup keyboard.

If your USB stick 'goes down' (which is pretty rare) then, yes, a backup comes in handy.

Use your computer to make a backup of the data on your USB stick. You can't do that on the MOXF.

I am using a 512GB USB to copy using "FILE, SAVE, ALL (with samples)" but the file ends up being way smaller than what my Flashdrive memory shows as being used

A 'File Save' does NOT make a backup of a USB stick. It makes a backup of the data on the MOXF.

You forgot to mention the most important thing:


After you did the 'FILE, SAVE, ALL' did you test the file to make sure it would actually work?

That flash drive model is NOT on the compatibility list.

Any flash drive you use MUST BE formatted on the MOXF. See page 161 of the Reference doc for instructions on how to format a USB drive.

USB sticks allocate memory in 'pages' - the minimum allocation might be 4K. So even if you just store a 1 byte file it will use 4K of storage.

If you are trying to make a backup of your MOXF (as opposed to making a backup copy of your USB) then

1. format a COMPATAIBLE USB drive using the MOXF instructions in the manual
2. do your FILE SAVE ALL
3. TEST the backup file on your 2nd MOXF to make sure it works properly

My Flash drive holds all of my new patches, critical harmony vocals, etc. and if it goes down the show would come to a grinding halt.

My suggestion to you is to just use your computer to make a copy of your USB stick to a 2nd USB stick and then test the 2nd stick to make sure it works properly.

Posted : 10/08/2023 5:59 pm
Posts: 8350
Illustrious Member

My translation guess would be:

Douglas has two MOXFs. One that is his workhorse with all of the data like he wants it (on flash and internal memory). And another that is waiting to be updated to become a mirror of the other.

Douglas has two FL512M Flash Boards which are 512MB Yamaha proprietary expansion cards that install up to one in the MOXF (which is what he has) or two in the Motif XF.

One of these FL512M boards he is actively using with all of his data loaded up on it. The other is in some state waiting to become a duplicate.

Additionally, he has a 512GB USB flash drive used to store his .X6A file (with samples) which is saved off using his tried-and-true rig and then plugged into his redundant 2nd MOXF to load this file into his 2nd flash card installed in the said MOXF. This 512GB flash drive is orders of magnitude bigger than the amount of data that could possibly be on the relatively minuscule 512MB FL512M Flash Board. In fact, the USB stick is 1,000 times as big - so you could fit at least 1,000 backups on this USB drive or more if your flash is not fully utilized.

What's the size of the X6A file on the USB flash drive after you save the flash content with samples? Go ahead and give the complete number in bytes. Like 128,430,123 bytes. I'm asking for this to avoid unit conversion error (MB vs GB vs kB).

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 10/08/2023 9:48 pm
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What's the size of the X6A file on the USB flash drive after you save the flash content with samples?

Not sure I understand why the size of the file matters. OP can't possible know what the file size should actually be.

What matters is whether that file can be used on the second instrument. And OP hasn't given ANY indication that they have even tried to use the file.

Wouldn't surprise me at all if the reason for the difference in size is simply because the backup file is a COMPRESSED version of the file that is in FL512M Flash Board. Those early instruments used pre-allocated memory rather than dynamic allocation that grew as you used it.

So there may be memory allocated that is mostly empty and when backed up the empty part gets highly compressed.

Hopefully OP will follow my suggestion and actually try the file. Even if they thought/knew the file was the right size the ONLY thing that matters is if the file has the correct contents and isn't corrupted.

Posted : 10/08/2023 10:08 pm
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[quotePost id=122831]My translation guess would be:

Douglas has two MOXFs. One that is his workhorse with all of the data like he wants it (on flash and internal memory). And another that is waiting to be updated to become a mirror of the other.

I think Jason is right here. Confusing the 512 GB USB with capacity to a FL512M which is only half a meg. Then wondering why it looks like he has so much space on the USB.

Posted : 11/08/2023 12:56 am
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Confusing the 512 GB USB with capacity to a FL512M which is only half a meg. Then wondering why it looks like he has so much space on the USB.

That's certainly true about the 'available' space. And it isn't clear just what they are comparing.

On page 154 of the Reference doc it has this:

USB Device
Status Free
Indicates the amount of free capacity for the currently recognized USB flash memory device.
Status Total
Indicates the amount of total memory for the currently recognized USB flash memory device

Expansion Module
Indicates the status for the currently recognized Flash memory expansion module (optional).
Status Free
Indicates the amount of free memory capacity for the currently recognized Flash memory expansion module
Status Total
Indicates the amount of total memory for the currently recognized Flash memory expansion module (optional)

That doesn't directly show the amount of memory used for either device. It shows the total and the amount free - the difference is the amount used.

Regardless - OP needs to actually test the file. The file size on the USB doesn't really matter since a backup is likely compressed.

Posted : 11/08/2023 1:11 am
Posts: 8350
Illustrious Member

The size matters because if it's 57,344 bytes (for example) then I'd say there aren't any samples stored. If it's around 78,643,200 bytes then I'd say that's about what I'd expect (on the low end) and represents approx 10% full 512MB flash card.

The size is easy to find when plugging the flash drive into a computer. File details in a folder directory (of the USB stick) should show the number of bytes.

For Mac:

For Windows:

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 11/08/2023 5:03 am
Posts: 2
New Member Guest

it's work for me. thx
only up

Posted : 04/10/2023 3:18 am
Posts: 3
New Member

I like reading your blog! Thank you for posting something helpful. So many clever ideas quordle

Posted : 05/02/2024 2:29 am

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