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MOXF: How to record a track over again while keeping the previous version on Cubase 8?

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I have created a song that has 8 tracks and I transferred the song from the MOXF to Cubase 8. Two tracks have some mistakes and I want to record them again, by playing over the keyboard MOXF, while maintaining the remaining tracks as they are. What is the process to do it? If I want to play a different version of the same track so that I can compare and decide which one to keep, how can I do it? Changing the whole track on Cubase using mouse is not easy. Besides being difficult with velocities, right timing and such, it is also time consuming.

Once the song is on Cubase, I’ve used Quick Setup + button 2 so that I could choose the sound I wanted from the MOXF, but although I can hear it through the headphone while the song is playing on Cubase, the meter for eh new added track on Cubase show no activity. If I arm Cubase to record, the track seems to be building up but there is no digital imprint. When I press stop it disappears.

I would love to have your help on this as it would help me to fix many songs that need adjustments.

Posted : 22/02/2017 4:16 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

We are going to assume (because you don't actually say) that you are recording MIDI Track (not audio).
You can simply Mute the tracks that you wish to redo - click the letter "m" to Mute playback.
Right click on that track and ADD MIDI TRACK directly below it, setting the MIDI channel to the same as the Muted Track.
Now you can record a new version of it.

You use the Mute buttons strategically to assemble your best performance.

Posted : 22/02/2017 4:41 pm
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Thank you so much for your reply.
Yes, I am recording midi track. Sorry about that.
I followed your instructions and it recorded again. I'm happy for it because it is moving in the right direction. But there is one problem though!. The sound that I hear on the headphone while recording the new version is a mess. Basically, it is a mix of all the sounds on the other tracks. How can I have just the sound of the channel that I am recording again?
Thank you for your help. I appreciate it!

Posted : 22/02/2017 7:18 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Hi J,
Your questions are really all about operating Cubase - you have a MySteinberg Account and there is a dedicated website for all thing Cubase ( I did give you a quick fix - but with Cubase, there is so much more you can do... you can setup so that when recording multiple passes it just keeps it and automatically silences the previous. This way you can make several passes at it in a row. You can even quick assemble the best portions of each into a single Track.

If you are going to invest time in the DAW you may want to find the Steinberg Cubase YouTube Channel - each week you can add a ton of new skills.

To answer your question though, you simply MUTE the Tracks you do not want to hear, by clicking on the "m" on the info area.

Posted : 22/02/2017 10:13 pm
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Once again, thank you Bad Mister. I will go to Steinberg then.
But perhaps I didn't explain myself well. Even when the song is not playing, if, for example, I press a key on the MOXF keyboard to play the sound of harmonica that I had selected on that channel, what I hear is a mix of the sounds from all the other channels combined coming out of the harmonica channel as one voice. So, if I am going to record the harmonica track again, instead of the harmonica sound I hear a mess. However, if I record playing the sound of that mess instead of harmonica, when I am playing the song back on Cubase, what I hear as being newly recorded is harmonica. Crazy uh? I was wondering if it was anything to do with the quick setup. I will try to find it out.

Posted : 23/02/2017 3:41 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

MOXF Basic MIDI Recording to Cubase

Posted : 23/02/2017 7:00 am

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