I cannot find a way to play MOXF Patterns in a row, non-stop.
I play in a live setting and I would like to have Patterns ready for any song (set list is a formality in live situation most of the time).
Back in the day, I have a PSR keyboard that I use and have Registration Memories that can call up any "Rhythm" or pattern while the whole the rhythm section is playing. Very useful for when people are dancing - no gaps in the music!
I am afraid the answer is "No, MOXF cannot do that because to do this and that for each song/pattern...etc" but I had to ask in case I a missing anything though so I do not have to buy a separate PSR keyboard just for this purpose.
I'm still learning my MOXF, so I definitely don't have all the answers, but if you're playing back a pattern, and then switch patterns and/or pattern sections (patterns using the data knob, and pattern sections using the buttons on the right side), then the MOXF will play back the current pattern until the next measure, then switch pattern and section, then continue to play back the new pattern and section.
As the new pattern is initialized, it seems like all current voices are stopped (bad for your use case) but there seem to be no noticable delay (good).
Maybe this is approximately what you're looking for?