Is there a straightforward way to copy/transfer User Voices and Songs from the MOX6 to the MOXF6? I would like to duplicate the Voices and Songs/Mixing from my MOX6 to an MOXF6. Thanks for your help!
Is there a straightforward way to copy/transfer User Voices and Songs from the MOX6 to the MOXF6? I would like to duplicate the Voices and Songs/Mixing from my MOX6 to an MOXF6.
Don't have personal experience with either instrument but the MOXF6 reference manual says it is compatible with 5 different MOX6 file types.
See page 157 of the doc
Data Compatibility with the MOX6/MOX8
Among the data created on the MOX6/MOX8, the following can be loaded to the MOXF6/MOXF8.
Type of MOX File extension of MOX
All .X4A
AllVoice .X4V
AllArp .X4G
AllSong .X4S
AllPattern .X4P
As usual you should backup your current system BEFORE loading if you have anything you don't want to lose.