In the UP Position
Off the Ensemble Strings???
I know how to edit the Modulation wheel for other patches but can’t get the Strings to not modulate when MW
In upper position it has a slight tremolo
I’m using it layered to another patch where by I want modulation to that patch only
Bad Mister your pretty informative
Thanks for any suggestions
I'm sorry, it is not clear which sound you are talking about. But in general, Tremolo is applied to the PART by going to EDIT > selecting "PART" > cursor down to 07: Voice Control Set
It is in one or more of the Control Sets (there are six) where the MW is being assigned to E-LFO (Element LFO) AM (Amplitude Modulation).
Each Control Set has the following parameters: SOURCE, DESTINATION and DEPTH.
The Source will be the physical controller - MW
The Destination will be the parameter controlled - Element LFO AM
The Depth will be the application of the control, if +0 then no change will be applied.