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No luck at motifator. So, trying this forum. MotifES6/MX61 and Apple Mainstage(MS)

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I hope the length of this post does not turn everyone off (crossing fingers. lol)

I use a Motif ES6 for years now in a cover band. I use it for mostly layers and splits in Pattern mode where I assign different Voices per Channel/Track and activate it (using the “Mode") as I play. This gives me up to 16 sounds on demand for a song. This is a trick I discovered at a forum/thread ages ago to avoid the cutoff associated with changing voices. I hope it made sense I how I use my keyboard.

However, sometimes, 16 tracks for a complex song or medley is not enough…

1) Mainstage
This made me explore Mainstage (MS) for the Mac. ( In a nutshell, I configure everything on MS on my Mac laptop and I use Motif ES6 as a controller. In MS, I can configure splits and layers into “patches” using MS internal sounds and effects as well as some sounds from external sound modules (like the Motif ES6). I can setup the most complex splits and layers and access it by simply selecting a patch I preconfigured before a gig. I am probably oversimplifying MS at this point but I am attempting to be succinct.

2) Lighter Rig
All this mobile (laptop) setup made me think of “traveling light” and retiring my heavy Motif ES6 and moving to what I think is a lighter yet still powerful setup - laptop + audio interface + MX61.

a) MS is RAM hog and it taxes the CPu a lot for complex setups. I can be smart about setups and be careful with demanding plug-ins but I think, bottomline, my laptop’s age is showing (2007 MacBook Pro). i would like to stick to it though until I get a new one.

b) I am experiencing that in MS, I can send MSB/LSB to each channel to the Motif ES6 (Omni mode) and it will call up the correct voices. MultiTimbral tone module and keyboard controller at the same time! Very cool! MS at this point literally replaced my Motif ES6 Pattern Mode interface WHILE I maintain the Motif ES6 sound. However, the volume controls on the Motif seems global. Meaning, if i adjust the volume on say one of the channels in my split/layer setup (aka MS “Patch"), other the channels seems to adjust as well.

c) Again, Motif ES6 seems heavy and inconvenient as a keyboard controller and sound module now that I am seeing the potential with MS.

ANY opinion is welcome for any above as well as the following ideas.


I can save CPU and RAM by using the Motif ES6 as a multitimbral module as much as possible. Other tips from Apple forums also exist to save resources on laptop.

NO IDEA on how to solve this and actually this is my MAIN QUESTION right now. Maybe I need to find a way to make each channel independent outputs from my Motif? Unfortunately, Motif ES6 only has 4 outputs. I hope to get answers for this so i can apply it to using the MX61 as well.

From watching YouTube videos, I learned that the MX series, is the lightest “Motif” and can be a very powerful multitimbral source as well and is super duper light. I am still worried that I will have the same problem “b)” above though.

Whew! Thanks for getting to this point of the post.


Posted : 23/11/2015 11:46 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Hi Zack,
Welcome to Yamaha Synth!

b) I am experiencing that in MS, I can send MSB/LSB to each channel to the Motif ES6 (Omni mode) and it will call up the correct voices. MultiTimbral tone module and keyboard controller at the same time! Very cool! MS at this point literally replaced my Motif ES6 Pattern Mode interface WHILE I maintain the Motif ES6 sound. However, the volume controls on the Motif seems global. Meaning, if i adjust the volume on say one of the channels in my split/layer setup (aka MS “Patch"), other the channels seems to adjust as well.

Ok, it could be the typos but I think I understand the question.

My questions for you are:
What and why do you mention (OMNI Mode) I assume you want the Motif ES in Pattern mode, where normally the ES is set to receive on 16 separately addressable MIDI channels for the Parts, 1-16. You can address the Master volume of the ES separately from the 16 independent internal PARTS. Those are separate parameters. There are 16 Part Volumes, and a separate master Volume.

The [UTILITY] mode parameter for Basic Receive Channel is for Voice and Performance modes only. In Song/Pattern modes, each Part's receive channel is set independently as a Part parameter. The Transmit Channel parameter is selected by touching a Track button 1-16, you will transmit on the Midi channel of that particular Track output. So your mention of "OMNI" is curios. The MIDI settings in UTILITY are for Voice-Performance mode (however, the Transmit Channel parameter will reflect your most recent Song/Pattern mode selection).

We don't know MAINSTAGE (and it is their support you need) but a "MS Patch" that is setting up an ES Split/Layer... Can you give us details of an example of just one of these? Are the split and layer Parts on separate MIDI channels?

_ If yes, you have an easy option of controlling MIDI Channel Volumes... If the Parts are on different channels you can control them independently. As I'm sure you know, with channel Control Change (cc) messages: 007 and/or 011.
_ If they are on the same MIDI Channel then you must use specific channel messages to adjust the volumes independently. For example, use a specific controller to control the Voice Volume in Split Part #1 (for example, cc016), and another to control the Voice Volume in the other (cc017). Then you would need to program the individual Voices to respond to these controller numbers - within the original Voice. Or you must address the Part Volume via Sysex.
_ Does MS let you send such System Exclusive messages?
_ What Control Change messages are available to send from MS?
_ Do you need to recall specific volumes (preset) or do you additionally need to control the volumes in real time?

How are you concluding that the "volume controls on the Motif seems global", they are not. Perhaps the volume message you are sending from MAINSTAGE is globally affecting the Motif ES, or affects all Parts together because the message is a Channel-wide message. But the Parts on the Motif ES are independent, and their volumes are independently controllable.

_ Easily with dedicated Control Change channel messages (cc) -for when they are mapped to separate channels.
_ With individual assignments and messages - when multiple Parts are placed on the same channel.

Please provide just one example of a SPLIT/LAYER setup addressing multiple Parts of the ES.

Posted : 24/11/2015 11:18 am
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thanks so much for taking the time to answer.

let me:
1) digest your response fully and then recreate issue.

i want to make sure that i am not as confused as i am. sometimes with reaponses like yours, it leads to identifying the mistake in thinking.

2) ask the mainstage forum as well.

3) lastly, re-attempt the question if any still exist.


More in a few days...

Posted : 25/11/2015 2:18 am
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It turns out, it is indeed a Mainstage(MS) question as you said, Bad Mister.

I had to make MS's "faders" "talk" to independent separate MIDI channels (corresponding to each track on my layers/splits) and assign Volume CC. These MS "faders" on the computer screen are tied up to phsyical sliders - in my case the sliders on my Korg nanoKontrol2 but the problem was the nanoKontrol2 defaults to only Channel 1 out of the box.

I tried it on the Yamaha ES6 physical sliders (all 4 of them) and it worked. Mainstage even auto detected that each slider is controlling the Volume for each Channel - 1-4. Not much fiddling around on my part.

I now just need to make the nanoKontrol2 sliders behave like the ES6's sliders. I found some software from Korg themselves to rewrite the "scene" on the device itself, but have yet to try it.

THANKS a lot again, Bad Mister. If not for your info, questions and clarifications, it would not lead to a sensical/logical MS question in another forum and eventually to an answer.

Posted : 26/11/2015 6:24 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Glad it helped!

Posted : 01/12/2015 11:50 am

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