Activating a Performance on CP300 by MIDI: When I read in the performace data by MIDI Settings->Initial Setup I can send these data back to the CP300 but it takes not the expected effect. I hope there is a way to activate a certain performance by SysEx command and this will manage internally the sound setup. Is it so an where can I find the parameters for the SysEx command?
On CP88 this way -> read in and send back works fine. The CP300 does this only for "pure" instruments. In a complex setup with layers and multiple instruments that ist saved in a performace file this will not work. I would be very glad to get a hint. Thanks you all
See page 66 of the Manual
Transmitting the Default Settings on the Panel
This allows you to transmit initial panel setup data, such as Voice selection and other settings, to a connected sequencer. This is useful when you record performance data to a sequencer, since it lets you take a “snapshot” of the CP300 settings you want to use at the beginning of a recorded Song and have those settings automatically called up for you when you play back the Song.
You can transmit each setting data as the MIDI setting bulk dump.
Set the Type of Data = Current
Thanks a lot - BulkDump works fine. Does InitialSetup save only a subset of BulkDump? What is the difference between both?