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Montage v1.20 Firmware Released

15 Posts
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Hadn't seen a thread dedicated to the new features (summarized from the download webpage below).

The filesize is bigger because manuals (datalist and supplement) are distributed with the firmware for a variety of languages including Japanese. Cracking open the supplement, I answer some questions:

1) The first two bullets involving "Control Function" solve a forum post about "9 Bars!" where the control of the drawbars using sliders was lost because the performance did not auto-switch the faders to control the elements. This is now built-in with v1.20 firmware.

2) Track to Arp (user arps) looks like it will fill the need of generating arps - have to dig in more

3) Performance merge treats a sound as the "original" performance, the "additional" parts you add to that original and allows for muting either half (or neither). This is perhaps a useful shortcut vs. using the part mute or solo features. Seems the control is touchscreen only so part of the pre-gig workflow.

4) Arp bypass and keyboard control lock seem to be DAW focused. I haven't comprehended how arp bypass and arp off are different - but am happy that arp bypass has a button shortcut (shift-arp on/off).

The rest are fairly self-explanatory.

I am happy to see Montage now has an XS file converter built-in (reads XS data). Previously, you could get this to happen by using software - but it's nice to have more integrated into the box.

New features;
- Element / Operator Control has been added for "Control Function."
- You can now store Control Function settings as Performance data.
- Song Loop playback function has been added.
- User Arpeggio function has been added.
- You can now separately mute original Parts and newly added Parts by Performance Merge.
- Monitor Volume settings for USB connection have been added.
- You can now control the Super Knob by MIDI Control Change messages.
- You can now copy or exchange Arpeggio Types.
- You can now copy or exchange Motion Sequences.
- You can now copy or exchange between Live Sets in different Banks on a page basis.
- The MONTAGE Connect computer application is now supported.
- MOTIF XS data (X0A, X0V, X0G, and X0W) can now be loaded to MONTAGE.
- Live Set display can now be displayed during Audio playback.
- Knob Brightness setting can now be stored.
- Flags (tone generation attributes of Performance) can now be automatically set and displayed.
- Arp Bypass and Kbd Ctrl Lock functions have been added for "Effect Switch."

Fixed problems;
- Fixed a problem in which all buttons, sliders, and knobs on the panel would not work after power-on.
- Fixed a problem in which the Super knob would not work after power-on.
- Fixed other minor problems.

Posted : 06/09/2016 4:13 pm
Posts: 0
Trusted Member

I personal like this improvement : MOTIF XS data (X0A, X0V, X0G, and X0W) can now be loaded to MONTAGE.

Posted : 06/09/2016 5:34 pm
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Jason wrote:
...- You can now control the Super Knob by MIDI Control Change messages...

Thank you BM!


Posted : 06/09/2016 5:38 pm
Posts: 0
Estimable Member

Re: this v1.20 business, would someone detail the path to get it into the Montage, please? I've downloaded the zip file and extracted it onto a new 16Gb USB stick already formatted on the Montage, and followed the steps in the Owner Manual - but I get nothing to load. The pop-in menu on pressing User File has no .X7U in the list. Nothing loads anywhere. I've checked that the download is physically there on the USB stick with the computer, and it is - but there's nothing according to the Montage. So maybe I missed a chicane somewhere? Should've zigged when I zagged? One day something will go right, but I'm not holding my breath ...

Posted : 06/09/2016 6:28 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

The update file is a 8N700S.PGM file. Not a x7m file ..
Put the PGM file on a stick ..boot montage with the up and utility held ...
Z >>>>>>>

Posted : 06/09/2016 7:45 pm
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

Did you follow the instructions on the Readme file? It will tell you which uncompressed file to put on the USB stick and the procedure to follow that will update the firmware.

Posted : 06/09/2016 7:57 pm
Posts: 0
Active Member

keep trying. I had to turn the Montage on and off 5 times before the update finally got going.

Posted : 06/09/2016 9:38 pm
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neither fish nor fowl. track to arp is good, but still no meaningful way to record tracks one after the other, instead of simultaneously. (smorenburgΒ΄s workaround is way too cumbersome.) laughable. would be an easy fix. "Song Loop playback function has been added." so what does that mean? still no loop recording possible? we need a copy function, most importantly. to be able to copy a specified area of recorder data is super-convenient for repeating the same phrase several times. yamaha wants us to record each and every chorus separately. how odd is that? how about erasing mistakes? still no way to erase recorder data inside a specified area. they should also implement copy arp to track. it would allow users to place arps in destination tracks. in a measure dialog box, one would be able to specify the beginning bar of the copy-destination. man, this board has so much potential but itΒ΄s so aggravating to try and record stuff itΒ΄s not worth it imho. i love the montage except i canΒ΄t use it in its present state. the recorder is screwed up. so sad.

Posted : 06/09/2016 10:16 pm
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Successfully updated my Montage 8, love the ability to adjust the usb to host volume and Montage Connect in Cubase.

Posted : 06/09/2016 11:32 pm
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Estimable Member

Hello Phil and guys - Got that wrong! No, hadn't read the 'readme' file - still imagining the Montage team had talked to the Tyros team - silly me. So I'll start again with the rigmarole required, my apologies for thinking things were simple ...

Posted : 07/09/2016 8:16 am
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Trusted Member

I'm not happy by this upgrade. No scene function are improved and no insert function in a play list. Both are things very required in the forum.
I hope in the next update. :--(

Posted : 07/09/2016 9:15 pm
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member
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I'm happy that some of the items expressed in the forum have been fixed or improved. There are some big wins for some users. As we have seen a very aggressive firmware update schedule, it is clear that the team (for the time being) is invested in bringing some post-release features to fruition and likely adding on "low hanging fruit" type items which are bugs or annoyances in original design decisions.

The hope is that highly anticipated features (such as more scene flexibility and better customization control) will make their way into future releases. On scene flexibility - it would be interesting to hear if any specific requests have an architecture limitation which prevents certain items from being dynamic at the scene level. Some things may be possible, all may be im/possible.

Overall, I'm fine with focusing on the solution which enables me to keep the connected computer in the studio and only have to bring the keyboard (not PC) at a performance. I'm not sure if there are users that generate loops "on the fly" at a gig. Maybe there are. If not, the current direction is fine (for me). Although if the resources (time/effort/space in keyboard memory/etc) is low+available - then adding it would be OK - just another feature I don't use but others may.

Posted : 07/09/2016 9:58 pm
Posts: 0
Trusted Member

Agree with Chris...Yamaha needs to expand their scope to over the world not only focus on one spot but also needs to take a look around to see what people are want to have.
US, Europe, Middle East are not enough, What is about the South East Asia those countries are love Music as well

Posted : 09/09/2016 2:23 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

Just got my Mon8. Where is Cubase that came with it?

Posted : 24/10/2016 2:10 am
Posts: 8050
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Tim wrote:

Just got my Mon8. Where is Cubase that came with it?

When I use a search engine and search for "Montage cubase" it returns, as the first entry, the following link:

Within this blog (which is also found on this site under the "Blog" section at the top bar) you will see instructions on how to download Cubase covered.

Welcome to the fold - you have one heck of a "heavy" board - in the most positive sense.

Posted : 24/10/2016 4:43 am

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