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MONTAGE M - tiny success testing SysEx - new Steinberg driver works fine on Win 11 and there appear to be 4 ports now

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Following Jason's advice to have the M send SysEx I did the following test

2. configured the Super Knob to send SysEx by setting its CC to OFF on the Utility -> Settings -> MIDI I/O page.
3. navigated to the Motion Control -> Super Knob tab where I could see the Super Knob parameter value
(I wasn't able to get anything from that main screen to the small screen)
4. Set the super knob to a value of 7
5. Opened MIDI-OX
6. Change the Super Knob value to 8 by first holding down the Shift key - HINT - that is a HUGE help since the knob
value now goes from 0 to 1023 so even the slightest movement can change the value by multiple steps. By using
the SHIFT key you can move the knob at least 1/8" before the value changes by a step of 1. So twirl it to get near
the value you want when you go to set it and then use SHIFT to do the fine tuning.
7. This is the SysEx reply I got back - F0 43 10 7F 1C 0D 06 00 0D 00 00 08 F7

The first '0D' gave me the model ID I had been missing in my other SysEx tests
Address Hi = '06 00' - I'm assuming each of the address values are now 2 bytes long
Address Mid = '0D00'
Address Low = '00 08' - this is the Super Knob value

- The above interprets the results by comparing them to the parameter change description on page 181 of the Data List doc for the old Montage

11110000 F0 Exclusive Status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1n Device Number
01111111 7F Group ID High
00011100 1C Group ID Low
00000010 02 Model ID
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address High
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Mid
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Low
0ddddddd ddddddd Data
| |
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive

Since the address values now appear to be 2 bytes instead of the old 1 byte values it is probably pointless to try to do any SysEx until the two missing MIDI tables get added to the new Data List doc.

On the plus side - windows recognizes the MONTAGE_M as an 'other device' even without the Steinberg driver installed, MIDI-OX can communicate with the M and we now know the model ID appears to be '0D'.

Using the old version of a dump request but with '0D' for the model ID and adding 00 to make 2 byte addresses
F0 43 20 7F 1C 0D 00 0E 00 25 00 00 F7

The M did display an 'Illegal Bulk' message which at least indicates it was receiving and processing the SysEx message but the message was invalid - almost assuredly because of the three invalid table addresses.

Posted : 15/10/2023 12:24 am
Posts: 8129
Illustrious Member

F0 43 00 7F 1C 00 05 0D 04 04 00 00 6B F7

This is the first line of a Soundmondo Montage M bulk dump.

Given the number of parameters here before the checksum (6B) it appears the structure is the same (for bulk dump).

Byte count high = 00, Byte Count low = 05.
Address high = 04
Address middle = 04
Address low = 00
Data byte = 00
Checksum = 6B

All of that said, I'd wait for the data list.

Posted : 23/10/2023 1:04 am
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Thanks for posting that.

That shows the new 4 byte addressing (p214) and maps to the bulk header for the Performance Edit Buffer. So it is the equivalent of the old 0E 25 00.

What performance is that a dump of? Can you post a few more lines of the dump?

All of that said, I'd wait for the data list.

Funny you should say that - they just posted an updated Data List doc AND a zip file that has 14 Excel files in it for each of the main Data List tables.

P207 has the new dump header format and it shows four one byte address values.

(3-5-4) BULK DUMP
11110000 F0 Exclusive Status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0000nnnn 0n Device Number
01111111 7F Group ID High
00011100 1C Group ID Low
0bbbbbbb bbbbbbb Byte Count
0bbbbbbb bbbbbbb Byte Count
00001101 0D Model ID
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address 1st
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address 2nd
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address 3rd
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address 4th
0ddddddd ddddddd Data
| |
0ccccccc ccccccc Check-sum
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
See the following MIDI Data Table for Address and Byte Count.
Checksum is the value that results in a value of 0 for the lower 7 bits when the Byte Count, Start Address, Data
and Checksum itself are added.

Toto - we're not in Kansas anymore.

Posted : 23/10/2023 2:41 am
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This was the SysEx I posted above that I got by moving the Super Knob. I 'guessed' that they were using 2 byte addresses but we now know they are using 4 one byte addresses.

. This is the SysEx reply I got back - F0 43 10 7F 1C 0D 06 00 0D 00 00 08 F7

That '06 00 0D 00' maps to the first line of the table at the bottom of page 224 of the new Data List

Address Size Data Range Parameter Name Description Default Notes
06 00 0D 00 2 00 00 – 07 7F Super Knob Value 0 – 1023 04 00

Posted : 23/10/2023 2:56 am
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F0 43 00 7F 1C 00 05 0D 04 04 00 00 6B F7

This is the first line of a Soundmondo Montage M bulk dump.

This is the corresponding dump request for the current edit buffer

F0 43 20 7F 1C 0D 04 04 00 00 F7

Basically your line minus the checksum and using '20' rather than the '10' for the 3rd byte.

This dumped just fine and the first MIDI record is

F0 43 00 7F 1C 00 05 0D 04 04 00 00 6B F7

Which is identical to what you posted.

Haven't actually examined the rest of the dump. I'll be curious to see how the two screens and panel lights respond, if at all, when various parameter change requests of program changes are sent to the unit.

Now that I have the new specs I can creae a new version of my Java apps. Gee - I can't tell you how thrilled I am (NOT!) knowing how much time that is going to take just to get back to where I was before.

Posted : 23/10/2023 3:19 am

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