this is strange - it seems to me, that i have to send a QR-code (from a website) to a second device (Computer, iPhone etc..) and then take a photo of the screen with the capture app.
Did i oversee something ? How can i open a stored QR-code in reface-capture and send it to the synth - is this possible?
Btw. what's the benefit of these QR-images - would'nt it be more useful to send *mid or *syx files - or any file instead of a pixel-image ?
Reface-capture can access the photo-library of my iphone, but only to illustrate the captured patch, not to open the QR-image.
Or is there any trick ?
Hi, to "flash" a QR code from Reface Capture, you can do it directly by flashing it on your computer screen, go to "Capture" window and flash it with to top icon (the icon witch have a QR Code) :
When it's done (the ipad cam flash automaticly the QR code when it read it) you will have this on your ipad :
Save the voice in Reface Capture by pressing save.
Go to voice windows :
Select the voice you have flash by pressig the ">" after the voice name, you will see this page :
Press the bottom right icon to transmist data from Reface Capture to your Reface (of course you need to be connected from your ipad to the Reface by USB)
The QR Code allow you to flash QR code without connexion needed to a computer.
thanks, but maybe you misunderstood my problem. i asked : "without a second screen".
i know the procedure described above.
imagine sitting on your porch with two portable devices - an ipad and a reface synth, both connected via cck-cable.
then you find some patches on a website and want to transfer them to the reface.
how is this possible ? or is'nt it ?
btw i managed to receive and send syx voice-dumps from and to reface DX with the app "miditoolkit" by sending the request string (f0 43 20 7f 1c 05 0e 0f 00 f7 ) , but unfortunately the app is not free, and there is no data export except via itunes.
thanks, but maybe you misunderstood my problem. i asked : "without a second screen".
i know the procedure described above.
imagine sitting on your porch with two portable devices - an ipad and a reface synth, both connected via cck-cable.
then you find some patches on a website and want to transfer them to the reface.
how is this possible ? or is'nt it ?
Well, you're missing an important piece to the puzzle. Sorry about that. That website where you find those patches will be (as I understand it) one where you are a registered user, when you connect your reface, the browser will "recognize" your reface instrument model and connect you to the "world of reface sounds". You can "browse" for sounds by author, by tags (genre), date, etc. by clicking on the appropriate radio button the selected sound's settings will be transferred directly to your reface, where you can immediately play it. A graphic of the reface front panel appears in your browser. If you decide this is a sound you would like to keep, open reface Capture and 'capture' the Voice into your app's Voice library.
If you would like to learn about how the author created the sound, the graphic interface in your browser will show you your current front panel settings, and an overlay image of just how far you have to move each control to match the author's original setting. So downloading patches from the Internet will be directly and elegantly handled through the Soundmondo site... using the browser.
QR codes, as I understand it, would allow someone to email you a Voice they've created, you can capture that JPEG with the reface Capture app which uses your iOS device's camera. Jpegs can be printed, or read directly from another devices screen (as you've figured out) if there is not too much glare or any weird reflections (works like those barcode boarding passes).
SoundMondo, the primary method of sound sharing via the Internet, has yet to make its debut.
There maybe other uses for the QR codes but probably it will not be the principal method of downloading sounds from the Internet. For now it's a convenient way to email a sound directly to some one you know. Moving data with MIDI Sysex files is a very 20th century solution, certainly the age of the QR code is newer, we'll have to see if it is easier to manage or not as we go forward, but prepare to, again, deal with some new routines and possibilities. The first time you connect your keyboard directly to your browser is certainly going to be different - but quickly you begin to accept all this new stuff.. there maybe several possibilities that QR coding makes available that we haven't previously dealt with, yet...
"Moving data with MIDI SysEx files is a very 20th century solution".
So what? Moving data using QR code scanning sounds like a extremely awkward method to me. SysEx files are MUCH smaller and more memory efficient and can be integrated in DAW sequencer tracks. I have a library with 20000 DX7 files in good old SysEx format. It would be a nightmare to manage if I would have 20000 QR Code pictures in JPEG format.
I am now investigating a method to decode the QR code pictures and convert them to SysEx, purely with files and software, without needing a camera ...
I have found a way to decode a QR coded RefaceDX patch into a textfile using a linux commandline tool named zbarimg.
It looks like for example the attached file.
Now I could use more information about how to decode/encode the "data" segment of the fiie to be able to convert it into a binary SysEx file.
Can someone tell how the data are encoded/decoded?
I have found a way to decode a QR coded RefaceDX patch into a textfile using a linux commandline tool named zbarimg.
Now I could use more information about how to decode/encode the "data:" segment of the fiie to be able to convert it into a binary SysEx file.
Can someone tell how the data are encoded/decoded? It looks like this:
QR-Code:reface web site:
"mdl" : "dx",
"oct" : 0,
"cDate" : 1444464654,
"vce" : "How DX IS",
"phrase" : "Ep_Rd1",
"pImg" : "02_reface_default_dx"
hm - at first sight it doesn't look like syx in ASCII.
It would try to record some syx-files and some barcodes from a sound with minimal changes - maybe just one parameter different - to see, which way the bytes are encoded.
It seems, that the data-section is somehow corresponding to the patch-data sysex bytes.
That sounds like a good idea, but I need some help because I don't own any iPad or iPhone. Question: Can someone upload a few QR-code pictures created with this iPad app from one or two of the Factory Presets. For example the "DigiChord" patch, and an "Init Voice" patch. That should be sufficient studymaterial for me to try to decipher the dataformat.
Hope it's help.
If you want to see more QR Code, not from factory Reface,, you can find them on Moessieurs Reface DX download page :
User who want to share can send me QR code or post it on the Facebook Reface Group.
Thanks for the examples and links. If someone simply can tell me how the data are encoded/decoded to/from those ASCII strings that the QR images gives after decoding that would save me a lot of reverse engineering time ...
BTW: the Init_voice.jpg is a problem for zbarimg. It tells me that this one is not a valid QR code. No problems with all the other QR pictures from the mentioned website. Maybe a corrupted picture, or a bug in my software? Maybe you can re-rty producing a QR code from an Init Voice patch. Thanks.
Hi, the initvoice QR code work fine, reface capture flash it without problem.
Joel wrote:
Hi, the initvoice QR code work fine, reface capture flash it without problem.
Someone sent me a PNG version that worked fine for me. Probably a bug in my QR decoder software.
Never mind.
Update: I have found how to decode the QR pictures to ASCII text, using zbarimg, and how to decode the data in the ASCII to SysEx binary data
It uses base64 encoding/decoding.
I'm now wrote a little python script that converts those QR JPEG images to SysEx files.
And I can load those SysEx files in my Reface DX using a SysEx dump utility (I use amidi ). No iPad, iPhone, or camera needed.