I would like the sysex command for requesting a patch dump and sending a patch.
Thank you,
I would like the sysex command for requesting a patch dump and sending a patch.
? For which reface product?
The information should be in the Data List booklet, however, I have not yet tested it. What are you going to be gathering the data in... ?
I've been testing the reface Capture (iOS app) and the Soundmondo browser - much easier than sending and receiving raw sysex messages.
reface Capture is available in the App Store, now.
Bad Mister,
Thanks for the reply.
As i previously stated I do not own any apple products. But i did find the datalist on the reface website.
So whats going on with soundmondo.com? you said they were just waiting for approval and that was over two weeks ago.
I have no other news _ waiting for approval is still going on.