Thank you Yamaha - I love the little CP!
The problem only occurrs with Clavinet and CP80 piano sounds:
With the sustain pedal depressed gentle playing at low velocity of 4 makes the note played stop immediately after key release. Higher but still low velocity notes also stop after releasing the key despite a still depressed sustain pedal - they just sound a little longer, seemingly dependent on the velocity value. The most disturbing thing about this behaviour is that the notes stop completely abrupt like a cut off despite the sustain pedal still being active. This is a definitive bug I suppose as it doesn´t occurr with the Rhodes I/II or Wurlitzer sounds.
It can best be heard using headphones.
One thing to consider trying is updating to the latest release.
That page shows a V1.5 update available since 2021-10-05.
it doesn´t occurr with the Rhodes I/II or Wurlitzer sounds.
Stilll might want to unplugged and clean the cable(s) and then plug back in to make sure there is clean contact. That is a possible, but unlikely, cause of an issue but would normally affect all perfs.
The problem only occurrs with Clavinet and CP80 piano sounds:
Don't have access to a CP but on a Modx the CP80 performance sounds normally.
Element 5 is assigned to velocity 1-50 and no matter how softly the key is depressed it sustains properly for several seconds if the sustain pedal is held down.
Thank you for answering but my bug report is for the small Reface CP piano. I wish I had a bigger brother like CP88 or YC88 though of course.
The latest Reface CP OS is v1.3, so the bug report is still relevant. The cut off sound at low velocity occurr both via MIDI/sustain pedal and also when playing the little mini keys and attaching a sustain pedal directly to the Reface CP. I tested everything thoroughly before reporting just to make sure it´s not a user error.
Another very important bug is that the Reface CP doesn´t respond to velocity value 1 at all. So it is impossible to play very soft as one always loses notes while playing.
I hope someone from Yamaha would join in and would like to address this issue for the Reface CP OS development team.
Thank you for answering but my bug report is for the small Reface CP piano.
No problem.
By the way If you want to report a bug I suggest you use the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom right of this page. That email is always monitored but this forum isn't.
Just keep in mind that we don't know what model you are using unless you tell us. And, not that it would help me, but you didn't mention what model foot pedal you are using or how you configured it. I mention that because I found some doc info that seems to depend on he actual model you are using.
Don't have a CP but trying to help. I found some info in the Supplementary and owner doc - are you familiar with this info?
Supp doc pages 12 and 13 talk about having to configure the foot switch
New reface CS Functions
12reface CS / reface DX / reface CP / reface YC New Functions
Foot Volume / Sustain Switch
The Foot Volume / Sustain Switch function sets whether Foot Volume or Sustain is to be controlled via the [FOOT CONTROL-
LER] jack.
Factory default setting: Foot Volume
The next section mentions info about the actual pedal type you are using
Sustain (sustain-pedal selection)
The Sustain function is used to set which sustain pedal is being used with your reface. If you have connected an FC3 foot pedal
or an FC4 or FC5 foot switch, select “FC3” or “FC4/5” based on the pedal type (i.e., whether or not it supports half-damper
operation), and furthermore, use the Foot Volume / Sustain Switch function to set “Sustain.”
Page 4 of the Owner doc also mentions having to configure sustain
I didn't want to assume you have already checked these. I also don't know if a preset can modify the sustain settings - if so that could be why it works with some performances but not others.
Just mentioning the above in case you weren't aware of it.
Thanks again for diving in this topic so deeply and even reading the manual...
Of course I checked each and every function of the Reface CP global/performance section and also read the manual, it's usually the first thing I do when I encounter a problem. But to no avail, the two bugs persist.
I only use a sustain switch, it just looks like a piano pedal. Functions are open/closed and reversible by a switch, no half damping. Though I tried both Reface switch/pedal performance settings, the bug persists on clavinet/cp80 presets.
Oh, and thank you for mentioning the possibility of contacting Yamaha directly, I will try that. It'd be great if those two bugs could be remedied.
No problem. Hope I didn't come across as dismissive of your issue or trying to argue with you. Just trying to explore all possibilities.
If you do use the 'Contact Us' make sure you provide a link to this thread so they can refer to it in addition to any info you provide them.
Your help was totally fine! Someone unlike me who wouldn´t obsessively check every possibilty beforehand would´ve had some very good help by your tips!
I sent them an email and linked to this thread for further details, so maybe someone might look at the issues. But then again the Reface CP is already a few years old so who knows.
Your help was totally fine! Someone unlike me who wouldn´t obsessively check every possibilty beforehand would´ve had some very good help by your tips! thnanks!!