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Reface CP: Hidden Acoustic Piano sound (1 year anniversary)

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Hey, I have a great and totally original idea: "How about making it possible for Reface CP users to exchange the Toy piano sound with the Hidden acoustic piano sound?"

Yes, I'm joking. I still think it's a great idea though, but it's not really totally original. Or original at all ...

But, we are now having a one-year anniversary of the discovery of the Reface Hidden Acoustic Piano sound -- discovered by the user "woodshedjones"/"adamandlorraine" on April 19, 2017.

Yamaha Reface CP hidden acoustic piano sound? - Gearslutz Pro Audio Community

Yamaha Reface CP. Hidden Piano sound? Full video unedited. - YouTube

When hearing about this Hidden Acoustic Piano, I had already made up my mind to get a Reface CP, mostly for two of the sounds: "RDI" (Rhodes Mark I) and "CP80" (mostly ...). Mostly because of the following two YouTube postings:

YAMAHA reface CP Demo & Review [English Captions] - YouTube

Yamaha Reface CP | PLAY CP80 Electric Grand Piano - YouTube

Anyway, for new listeners -- here's the way to get to the Hidden Acoustic Piano:

- Turn your Reface CP off.
- Turn the "TYPE" knob between two settings, and make sure that it stays there.
- Turn your Reface CP on.
- The sound you are now hearing and playing is the "Hidden Acoustic Piano" sound (although the light will indicate that you are playing the "RDI" sound).
- If you turn the "TYPE" knob, you will hear (and play) the selected piano sound, and the only way to get back to the "Hidden Acoustic Piano" sound is to follow the steps above.

In a lot of the reviews of the Reface CP, one of the negative things called out frequently was the lack of an acoustic piano. Also, in general, the "Toy Piano" sound has not been received very favorably, neither by reviewers nor by users.

Admittedly, after buying the Reface CP, knowing what sounds it contains, I have absolutely no right to claim that Yamaha should give me the "Hidden Acoustic Piano" sound instead of the "Toy Piano" sound. But if they did, it would be a really, really nice thing to do ...

OK, so that might not happen. So what about paying for it? I'd be willing to pay somewhere between $50 and $100 to get the "Hidden Acoustic Piano" sound installed permanently. Would that be a possible way to deal with this? Paying, and doing an upgrade where you enter your your serial number or something?

Sorry for sounding annoying. We are actually happy customers who would like to be even more happier ...

Posted : 01/04/2018 8:23 am
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Sorry, “more happier” is definitely grammatically wrong ...

Posted : 01/04/2018 9:12 am
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Some guy did a modification that might interest you.
It's almost what you are asking for, but requires switching the unit off/on to select the piano if I understand correctly.
The mod is possible without or with loosing the original toypiano sound. You will loose your warranty though I'm sure.
If you don't mind loosing the toypiano the only thing you have to do is cut a specific connection somewhere in the circuitry,

Read/watch this:

Yamaha Reface CP Acoustic Piano Sound Switch Mod

Posted : 07/04/2018 5:42 pm
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Hi Martin.

Thanks for the tip!

Yes, I have seen that video. But I'm way too much of a coward to dare putting a soldering iron inside any of my synths. Also, in the unlikely case that I would not melt some important component and ruin my keyboard, it still wouldn't really get me what I want -- a way to access the Hidden Acoustic Piano without having to turn my Reface CP off and then on.

I find it surprising that Yamaha seems so unwilling to even address this issue. After that guy found the Hidden Acoustic Piano sound, and posted his story about it in April 2017, the initial reply from Yamaha was denying it. Then, after quite a long time, and after some users had found out how to actually reproduce the action to make the Reface CP generate that sound, Yamaha eventually told us:

- - -


Statement regarding the "hidden" piano in reface CP.

We are aware that many people have found an “Easter Egg” acoustic piano Voice in their reface CP.

Some background:
This particular Voice is something we use for internal testing. We use this Voice because it takes up very little space and provides an easy way for us to test various aspects of our instruments. This Voice is purely for internal testing and is not reflective of our desire to bring you incredibly high-quality, expressive instrument Voices that are perfectly matched to both the keyboard and effects.

However, if this Voice works for you as-is - and you can find a way to easily re-create - there’s no harm to your reface CP in using it. Apologies for our delay in responding.

- - -

OK, that's a bit modest and borderline self-deprecating from Yamaha. But anyway, the point here is that a lot of Reface CP customers don't really find the Toy Piano sound to be very reflective of our desire to being brought an incredibly high-quality, expressive instrument voice that is perfectly matched to both the keyboard and effects. We would much rather have that Hidden Acoustic Piano sound.

And again (I know I'm repeating myself), I don't think that we as customers are entitled to get access to this Hidden Acoustic Piano in an easier way. But it sure would be nice if there was a softwater update that would make it happen. And it would add to Yamaha's customer karma points.

But (repeating myself again), is there any way we can get this by paying for it?

Posted : 13/04/2018 12:30 pm
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Any chance getting some feedback from Yamaha on this? Anyone? Bad Mister? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Posted : 13/04/2018 12:59 pm
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I haven't had the chance to try the Reface CP yet, and can't judge the quality of the hidden piano voice.
But if I read Yamaha's delayed, but official reaction I suspect the pianosample is not a high resolution, per-key multi-sampled, multi-velocity layered top quality piano, muliti GB piano sampleset. Yamaha has a good reputation to keep up being a manufacturer of both high quality acoustic instruments and digital piano's. The hidden piano sample does probably not meet these quality standards. It may be good enough and usable for a simple dance track, for song-writing on the road, or for fun. But if you need top quality expressive and dynamic pianosounds you will probably need something more advanced anyway.
I can understand Yamaha's point of view. Well, sort of ...

Posted : 15/04/2018 12:37 pm
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Makes a lot of sense.
The Piano, despite being of lower quality, also sounds better through the speakers then the sounds it was intended to make according to some people.
They probably don't want to draw attention to the speakers not being that good either.

Posted : 19/04/2018 1:06 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

But (repeating myself again), is there any way we can get this by paying for it?

No. Sorry.

Posted : 20/04/2018 1:43 pm
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Fair enough, Bad Mister. Any way we can get it for free?

Just kidding (smiley).

Seriously, I really appreciate your straight answer on this issue. And that's *not* being snarky or sarcastic or anything like that. I love my Reface CP.

We got what we paid for. And I'm very happy with what I got. Some of us just hoped that we could wish for a little bit more and get it ... But ...

"You can't always get what you want."
-- Some popular music group from the last century


All the best, Bad Mister!

Posted : 27/04/2018 9:37 am
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Is there like a sysex message that can be sent to the unit that turns on the piano sound? I may test that by going through all the "reserved" addresses listed in the MIDI data table.

Posted : 17/09/2020 3:49 pm

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