Hello! I am new to recording, and can figure everything out on my Abeleton live set, besides how to play back the reface sounds , after having recorded the midi, successfuly, but unplug the instrument. It only seems to be able to play back through itself. When i used the phones jack to record the audio(instead of midi), the sound degrades so much! thanks for any help/suggestions! these sounds deserve to be recorded well. I use an audio interface, but the usb plug seems to work the same (in terms of midi) into my mac.
MIDI is not sound. No one has ever heard MIDI. MIDI is a series of coded messages that represent a musical performance. Similar to how the holes punched in a roll of paper represent the music to an old style Player Piano... The roll of paper must be inserted in a Player Piano to be turned back into sound... MIDI data is the roll of paper, it must be returned to a product (in this case the reface) to be interpreted and turned back into sound.
In order to hear what you've recorded you need to connect the left/right outputs of your reface to your audio interface and record Audio.
Headphone jacks are for headphones, only. Do not connect this to anything but a pair of headphones!
Connect the main Left and Right outputs of the reface to your Audio Interface. The Audio Interfaces job is to send the audio to both the computer (via either USB or FW) and to your monitor speakers.
Consult your audio interface and software's manuals on how to record AUDIO to your selected software.
wow! perfect solution that makes me feel stupid! well, never again will i run into this problem. Thank you! yea! Bad Mister to the rescue.