Tones sat down and cranked out a reface DX Voice List XML file you can use in Cubase. Get the skinny on how to load and the file itself in this article.
Let us know if you have any questions or comments. Thanks!
Thank you for this article and the xml file, i will share the link on Moessieurs
Hi Nate,
I hope you don't mind my asking. I am keen to get a Reface CS and have been running a group buy campaign here
So far signups have been disappointing. Do you have any ideas how I might get this seen by more potential reface CS owners? It looks a cracking little synth and is most certainly a future classic. I was really disappointed I missed out on owning a AN1X so this coming along was fantastic. I refuse to believe only 2 people are interested in trying to get it at a little discount.
Do you know of any other popular Yamaha forums, or do have any sway on facebook or twitter?
BTW, this is the best deal I could find
Kind regards,
Hi! Thank You so much for the XML file! This is the first time I am using a hardware synth ( reface DX) with Cubase. I successfully installed the file and created a MIDI track and Cubase records the MIDI data from my synth but I have one problem: how do I get the sound of the MIDI file to play in my headphones (Beyerdynamic DT770 PRO). Currently it goes back into the reface DX and out through its speakers! Please help
Andreas wrote:
Hi! Thank You so much for the XML file!
This is the first time I am using a hardware synth ( reface DX) with Cubase. I successfully installed the file and created a MIDI track and Cubase records the MIDI data from my synth but I have one problem: how do I get the sound of the MIDI file to play in my headphones (Beyerdynamic DT770 PRO). Currently it goes back into the reface DX and out through its speakers! Please help
Plug your headphones in the back of the Reface!
The sounds from the xml files wont play?
So I saved into midi file... using the xml
and it didn't sound like the keyboard's voice??
Legendep-> doesnt sound like legendEp
cloudpad -> either ?
The XML is a Voice List... (List being the key word you may have missed) not Voices. It will allow you, once installed to Cubase to to select refaceDX sounds from a list published inside of Cubase. Click on the name of the Voice on the Track Inspector and it sends the appropriate MSB/LSB and program change to recall that location in your refaceDX.