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Cubase 9 PRO - Setup S90XS as an external instrument

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I have tried to setup my S90XS as an external instrument but I just can't get it to work, I end up with no sound and I followed the method step by step as explained by Mike Smith in this Youtube video :

My S90XS is connected to my iMac by USB cable, I have all the latest drivers installed (and setting it up via the s90XS VST is no problem) , but since Cubase 9 PRO allows external instruments to be installed and operated just like any VST library, I wanted to give it a try. The audio from the S90XS is returned to my sound card via 2 cables from the output jacks on the back of the S90XS and connected to Input Lines 3 and 4 of my soundcard (Focusrite Saffire LE).

I don't want to take up your time and ask you to give the lengthy step by step instructions here, just want to know can you point me to any websites or Youtube videos which I can follow and do it step by step, I'm really not very talented when it comes to setting up hardware and connections, I spend days trying to understand it and follow the steps but I get just nowhere and end up more confused than ever before and for all that I know it might just be a minor small detail that I'm missing. Even if you can point me to any articles similar to how you would set up the S90XS (could be another model or brand, as long as I can get to the basics of it and understand every step in the process).

I have looked at the Cubase manual and another thing that confuses me is on Page 34 it explains how to setup an instrument track (for the external instrument) , and then in the next paragraph it explains how to setup a MIDI track. I assume that will be to connect to the other channels on the S90Xs, but I get no sound from the MIDI track, I only get sound from the instrument track.

Any help will be appreciated.

Posted : 23/10/2018 10:40 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

You can get all of the benefits of the “External Instrument” routing situation by simply selecting the Focusrite Safire 3/4 as the Audio Returns for the S90 XS VST. Here’s how...

Open Cubase Pro 9
Launch the S90 XS VST as a Rack Instrument > External > S90 XS/S70 XS VST
When the Editor opens, go to FILE > VSTi Setup > here is where you set the Focusrite Safire as the Audio Returns.

Here you will connect the Main L and the Main R to the channel’s of the Focusrite... you are telling the DAW where to look for audio coming from the S90XS... This will return stereo Audio to the VST Audio Lane on the Cubase main screen. It is “virtual” audio.

When you launch the S90 XS VST, it creates an Automation Lane, an Audio Lane, along with the MIDI Track. The MIDI data you record to that track will be “returned” as audio to the Audio Lane (you can mute it during Record so you don’t hear doubling).

This will allow you to return audio from your S90 XS to the virtual audio lane same as any VSTi.
This means you can process your returning audio with plugins same as you would any soft synth.
This means you can use the Freeze function, and open additional instances of the S90 XS VST.
This means you can use Export Audio Mixdown similar to how any VSTi would render audio... the only difference is the S90 XS generates real audio in real-time.

Hope that helps. Let us know.

Posted : 23/10/2018 10:10 pm
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Thank you Bad Mister, this works perfectly. I just have another question : Is it possible to use the S90XS VST with an instrument track (like an instrument track for Kontakt)? I have tried doing that but can't get the sound returned.

I will appreciate your help

Posted : 28/10/2018 6:16 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

I’m sure it is... for details on operating Cubase you should really contact Steinberg via your MySteinberg Account, they have folks there who know Cubase like we know the synths... as I understand the Instrument Track is for devices that are not multitimbral. Perhaps there are other ways around that. They will be able to give you the advantages versus disadvantages of working with Instrument Tracks. (I don’t know what your reference about “like an instrument track for Kontakt” is supposed to mean)... please explain.

The S90 XS is most often setup as a Rack Instrument because you can take advantage of its 16 Part multi-timbral capability and its 4 Outputs (if your Audi interface allows).

Posted : 30/10/2018 12:59 pm

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