New! PSC Songwriters Collection Vol. 3 is here
Oops, I did it again, releasing another collection of 384 free voices for Motif XF, Motif XS, Motif-Rack XS, Yamaha S90 XS/S70 XS, Yamaha MOXF and Yamaha MOX, The PSC Songwriters Collection Vol. 3. Download it here:
Per Skovgaard
I just discovered this interesting collection and also the two previous releases. I have had my S90XS since 2009 but I haven't tried to load anything to this device ever before. Now I tried to load this .X0V to the device but it doesn't work. After confirming "Load All Voices. Are you sure?" the error message "Illegal file" is given. The same happens with all of those three .X0Vs. Can you say what is wrong?
Lasse B
Hello Lasse
I have no clue what is wrong and why your S90XS will not open a Motif XS 'All voice' file. According to the manual of your synth it should be possible!
However, I know that some Yamaha synthesizers will not read files unless they are located in the root of the USB drive.
If it still does not work, and I was you, I would rather try this:
Open your editor program and go to the Import window. From here try to open one of my 'All voice' files (remember to select the right file type), and if this is possible, then pull each User folder over to the corresponding folder in the right window. End of sending all voices to your synth - or save as a new editor file that you can load on your synth from a USB disk.
I hope some of this works ;). Good luck with it.
Per Skovgaard
PSC Songwriter Collection 3b is released
The 3b version is an updated version of songwriter Collection 3 - I felt a need to improve 27 of the sounds in the first version. Download it here:
Thanks very much Per!!
I'm looking forward to trying out your new collection. As with your previous collections, you've given new life to my S90XS.