Dear all,
I am wonder if there is a way to have the display showing the Transpose and Split Point per each live set? (without touching the buttons, of course). It would be very useful for live use, specially with we may need to choose among 100 songs in a single night.
Otherwise, could be this implemented in future updates? No need special features, just a few characters are required: T-1 S:G4 (which obviously means -1 transposed and split point G4).
I see that there is a lot of space in the top part of the screen, so it's there a way?
Thanks in advance
For now you'd need to put the split point and transpose information inside the Live Set name itself. You have limited characters - so there's some amount of "robbing Peter to pay Paul" that would be involved. By this I mean your main name conveying the "patch" would need to be short enough to fit the other information. You get 15 characters total.
Alternatively ...
Some use a tablet or laptop that can receive the Bank/PC messages and show the current patch on their external screen. Here you would have more options to have more characters.
I think it's a good idea to suggest utilizing the screen more for supplemental information. Other Yamaha synth products have a 2nd line in Live Set where I put this information (the 2nd line is in addition to the Live Set slot name naming the "patch" ). I just think it may take some time before this is implemented, if ever - and you may want to get something going in the meantime.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Thanks for your answer. I am currently using onsong to display this... but I rarely look the chords... hopefully this can be implemented... 6 characters in a screen like this is easy to implement... it's a stage keyboard !
I think it's a good idea Matt.
You can easily get by without this on keyboards that crossfade the splits, but with a hard split point like the YC, you really want to be sure where it is - it can be pretty crass when you hit the wrong sound.
As for displaying the transpose... I did a duo gig recently on piano accordion, with a keyboard accompanist. She used the transpose button to shift one song. The next song used the same patch, and she launched into a confident intro, but forgot to cancel the transpose. Accordions have lots of buttons, but none of them are a transpose button, so I had a nice surprise challenge of transposing that one on the fly. Your screen display idea might have been the visual cue to avoid that, because currently a transposition is an invisible change on the YC, but can be a potential train wreck if you get it wrong with a live ensemble.
It's worth putting ideas like this into the YamahaSynth campaign in Ideascale. It seems this forum is more for players to engage with each other, whereas Ideascale is a more direct line back to the design team. I've raised a few issues there, and some have been fixed.
Good workaround to save it in the Live Set name - I hadn't thought to do that.
Thanks for your feedback. That real case that you mention with the accordion happens a lot.
If you save it on the live set, you might need more than 1 live set at some point in time, depending on the singer that night... and with only 160 livesets, that requires a lot of librarian use. That is the reason that I believe that a stage keyboard should indicate this to be immediate and changes can happen on the fly !
Also, yes, I was trying to add the suggestion to ideascale, but for some reason, I never got my account approved so I am still waiting for the email with the account activation, . Would you please add it to ideascale for me please?
PS: those accordions without transpose buttons are a nightmare
@Matt - done
With a diatonic button accordion, you'd have to pick up the right accordion.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
[quotePost id=117569]@Matt - done[/quotePost]
Thanks Adrian !