Need some help... A thread over on the Keyboard Corner was discussing using the IK TR5 Leslie for the YC instead of the internal Rotary sim. The OP mentioned using Gig Performer and I posted about using Cantabile to host the TR5. It works but in both his case and mine we are using outboard USB Audio equipment. I wanted to see if there was a way to do this using the Steinberg USB Audio in the YC. The challenge I am having is that the outputs on the YC are also out putting the audio signal from the YC itself so that I am getting a mix of the dry YC signal and the effected USB signal. If I turn down the output, it reduces both the direct YC output and the USB output. Is there a way I can cut out the direct YC output but still have the YC send the audio over USB and only play the return effected USB signal? Sort of hard to describe this so hope you understand my question. If this is something you can't do I will post on IdeaScale. Thanks, Jim J (aka Counterpoint)
I was just searching for info on this as well. What did you figure out? Noticing this post is from a few years ago. It seems like it's not possible at the moment with just a USB connection. You have to take the audio output from your computer/tablet and not from the YC's output. If you're on a mac you can plug the YC in via USB audio and create a multi-input audio device including your other audio interface. Then you can set it up to process the inputs from the YC and output to your audio interface.
Hammond SKpro actually has the external lesley interface but I don't have one. I was just happy the finally repaired/added or replaced the original version. Everything now defaults to the newer version with V1.3.