Hello. I just bought a yc88. what cables to use for hs8 monitors. xlr or trs? thanks.
Even though the HS8 has a balanced TRS input, the YC88 has unbalanced mono jack outputs -- so a simple mono TS to TS lead is all that is required.
You can use a TRS to TRS lead if you wish of course, but the connection remains unbalanced ( the 'R' connections are not used).
There are no XLR outs on the YC88
You did the right thing, Cosmin! ๐
My mistake -- sorry! .....
I have the YC61 and I thought the only difference between the YC61, YC73 an YC88 was the number of keys!
I didn't realise the YC73 and YC88 have balanced XLR outputs as well as the unbalanced mono jacks..
Balanced XLR has to be the first choice of course......