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Recording Filters and Superknob on Cubase

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I have been making great progress with my Montage recently as I dropped using Logic an bought Cubase 9.Great move. And watching a number a Bad Mister tutorials. I have one area ( so far) that is frustrating me and that is recording the filters/knobs/superknob/ pitch wheel ect... I seem to be getting 'locked out' so to speak of doing a pass of a filter ( example : frequency knob) once I have recorded a part to a track /midi channel in Cubase.




Posted : 15/12/2017 6:39 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

There can be no specific answer for this without more information. You can certainly overdub Controllers, be they the Assign Knobs, the Super Knob or any physical controller. Knowing how you have your MONTAGE setup will tell you how to proceed.

If you are using Cubase Pro 9 you have different options than you would have if using Cubase AI 9... You say you are using Cubase 9 but failed to mention which version series 9.

Also necessary to know is how you have your [UTILITY] > "Settings" > "MIDI I/O" settings for the "SUPER KNOB CC" parameter... what it is set to transmit... will determine what type and what channel the data is Output.

For example, if you have Super Knob CC set to OFF, then the MONTAGE will be sending System Exclusive data (make sure you have Cubase Preferences setup to RECORD and THRU "Sysex"); If the SUPER KNOB CC set to a CC # then it will be outputting that Control Change number on MIDI Channel 1. Which means you will need to ensure you are set to record Channel 1 data.... your mileage can vary - it will depend on your particular setup.

There is the issue of LOCAL CONTROL, which requires you make sure that the channel you are transmitting OUT from the MONTAGE is able to be echoed back (THRU'd) to the MONTAGE.

We will be happy to help you sought it out, but need to know the following:
What version of Cubase are you using?
What exactly do you want control, when you say "Frequency Knob" (there is technically speaking no such thing... there is a Cutoff Knob, there is Resonance Knob...)

Each PART has a QUICK EDIT knobs on the left front panel, which address MIDI OUT with messages that can be recorded on a Cubase MIDI Track. For example, the CUTOFF knob (TONE row) sends cc74 on the channel you have currently selected and it can be used to OFFSET the Filters of all Element Filters on the selected PART. Or did you assign Cutoff via the MONTAGE Control Assign matrix to direct influence by an AssignKnob or the Super Knob? It is not clear from your post

Give us an idea of what you have - remember: there is no one way to work, and we have no idea (unless you post info or screenshots) what your Project looks like or how you have your MONTAGE setup.
The more specific information you supply, the more on target the answer can be. Let us know.

Posted : 15/12/2017 7:18 pm

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