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Joined: Feb 15, 2018
Montage and AG06 together ?
You are right. But if you can't work with direct monitoring (because you have to use a VST that is not built in the Montage), latency is obviously a p...
7 years ago
Montage and AG06 together ?
Here we have the latency when using the Montage Audio Interface and the Steinberg USB driver on a Mac: (4:27) The round-trip latency is about 6....
7 years ago
Montage and AG06 together ?
No doubt latency comes with the computer and the buffer size, but a little bit with the Montage too. The question was about the round-trip latency bet...
7 years ago
Montage and AG06 together ?
Thank you for the detailed answer. Two more questions please : Is it expected that the Steinberg Driver soon offers the same "Aggregate Audio De...
7 years ago