Your example inspired me to explore the C-LFO some more. I observed some behavior that I don't totally grasp. It's on the XF page: [COMMON EDIT] > CO...
Ok. Thank you. I went through that. It was very instructive to see that example. It was good to hear the C-LFO affecting an E-LFO parameter. It was a ...
I am also interested in it. I believe I've read there's a way. Something about an EasySounds Motif production guide issue. Maybe March, 2015? And some...
I am entirely satisfied with my 1st true exploration of the C-LFO. As I wrote, until recently, as I was still a "yellow belt", and had only incorporat...
Hi. In the C-LFO "Set" Tab (window), insL1-insL32 are possible Control Destinations. What do these insL# refer to? I'm guessing it's in the land of in...
Excellent. Looking forward to exploring this.
I tried it.
Yes, this helps. Thanks for the clarification.