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Joined: Jan 11, 2019
Last seen: May 18, 2024
Topics: 15 / Replies: 17
Replies: 17
Views: 3123

Ok thank you but that didn't really answer my question. My problem is - I set an EQ for a performance - then next song I go to another performance ch...

6 years ago

Thanks for your response - ok then maybe you can help me with this - let's say - I set the EQ on a patch/performance in Live Set - then I switch to a ...

6 years ago
6 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 2489
Remove vibrato

Thank you very much to both of you - I'm a certifiable moron - I couldn't find the "fiddle" tab and it just never occurred to me to put in the search ...

6 years ago
6 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 2530
Replies: 2
Views: 2496
Piano sounds different than audition

OK - I changed the velocity setting as you suggested but that made it even worse. (changed it back to soft) Any resonance I had completely disappeare...

6 years ago
Live set - delete entry

my touch screen is definitely off - I'll try what you are suggesting in the morning.I was able to delete the boxes when I realized that I had to push ...

6 years ago
Piano sounds different than audition

I'm using CFX Pop/Rock and if I turn off, or pause the audition - the keyboard sounds very thin and without resonance (the vibrating piano string soun...

6 years ago
Live set - delete entry

You have to put your finger on the left side of the "delete" button or the "edit" button - if you put your finger dead in the middle - you get the tab...

6 years ago
Piano sounds different than audition

I comparing both - what piano sounds = using the Yamaha grand rock - to the audition - but also to my Motif's - what I'm getting is very thin and not ...

6 years ago
Piano sounds different than audition

The piano sounds are not even close to my Motif's - very thin and weak - but on the Audition they sound fantastic - I have no resonance or anything ap...

6 years ago
Live set - delete entry

thanks that worked - my problem is you have to hit the very left side of the tab or it reads the tab to the right - your response prompted me to try h...

6 years ago
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