Thank you so much Jason : you were right ! midiStroke is for PowerPC, so not OK for Intel Macs Bome Midi Translator Pro is OK for new Macs, but ex...
Yes "c" 😉 Scenes buttons allow to trigger pre-defined clips, so you can patch them to 8 zones, but it means you have to define beforehands, and it c...
Thank you Jason, I think Ableton software don't include a functionnality like "enter"... In fact, what i'd only need is the ability of generate a ...
It does help 🙂 I'll go first with EQ's, try to figure whjch ones could be tweakable my way. Many many thanks to you !!
Thank you for your fast answer 🙂 My HPF/LPF analogy isn't that good i suppose 😉 I don't think my sound system is the trouble (and again it's n...
Thank you Jason ! I'm at point where i have to make my "vision" clearer , and sound is an important part... arrangements less crowded, and sound with...