Last seen: Dec 12, 2024
Phil, I really appreciate you reaching back so far in your knowledge base. i was more concerned with what I was seeing on the screen on my Motif r...
I was referring to the actual reverb settings 1-127. With the Mic connected to the Motif in Pattern Mode, I attempted to lower the amount of reverb ...
Understood... at the risk of sounding even a little more stupid or naive, would /should the feedback affect the reverb settings on the controllers. L...
Phil, Any words of wisdom on this one?
Ok, would it be correct to understand that VL board works off of standard MIDI specs whether coming from a dedicated controller such as the BC3A or an...
No, I had sound running through my monitors. I did tinker with the reverb setting for the A/D, changed type, wet/dry mix etc.... I thought A/D input...
Ok - so the PLG150VL starts by sharing a MIDI receive channel. Its up to me to decide with whom (another internal voice) or I can give one or the oth...
Thank you Phil...... All good so far.... Can I ask for a little more explanation what happens when you initialize a performance. I thought whatever ...
Ok - I am following your instructions, even went back and - now my screens match what you sent earlier (I must have made a navigation mistake before) ...
Thanks Phil, your instructions got me started - was able to insert a PLG - BR voice into a Performance. My screens from F & SF buttons are a little ...
Thank you Phil....As long as I can get my transcription software to accurately read and and write each MIDI channel/track I export for the same "type"...