I tried and did not get the desired result. Even though I only added one CC 07 event - 125 at measure 90, my volume increased starting from the beg...
Let me ask a related question - whenever I load an external voice library, the ES always fills in any blank USER voice bank ## with the factory set vo...
OK - I will give it a try...
The sound bank I want to load creates 16 voices using the same 21.4 meg piano sample. If i load voice by voice, the Motif ES seems to duplicate the s...
Thank you Phil..... Its just output level vs velocity that I want to increase, so continuous data (page 230) vs crescendo is probably the better auto...
Ok. Please indulge me a little more, would the only reason to keep the PORTS set to off (both the PLG settings in UTILITY and under TRACK in PATTER...
Your memory was accurate - perfect navigation With the info you provided, I looked and determined from UTILITY mode, that my PLG150 Board in slot1 w...
Definitely worth the wait.... Lots of great information to digest and apply.....learning to mix better using the right effects has been an amazing jo...
Master Class - Loving it.... Thank you Phil........