I think you could go into Utilities and use the Content manager to save a copy of that Performance into your user area.
I just did this with a long lead vocal. I was worried that it might be too long, but it worked just fine. Is there an upper time limit on the lengt...
Can’t believe that was 33, almost 34 years ago, yikes!!!Seen on a T-shirt: I thought getting old would take longer.
In case anyone is interested, here’s my first try at doing this. Attached files ShoDo.zip (198 KB)
That all worked great, Bad Mister. Thanks!
So of course, as soon as I posted that question, I figured out the answer which was to turn Part Output off for Part 1. 😀 This vocoder plus envel...
Thanks, Bad Mister. It was really helpful. Is there a way to set things up so that the part with the vocoder isn’t heard through the speakers, but ...
I just noticed that parts 2-4 have their levels set to zero in the mixer. When I set them to something higher, they produce audio as well. But I st...
But that’s a different mode. It would be nice if Montage Remote Mode acted that way as well..
Excellent! Thanks!