Last seen: Nov 22, 2024
There are some clues in the suffix or prefix of the Arpeggio Titles. There used to be a "guide" floating around on Yamaha Synth, but after all t...
Para-phrasing Black Adder:- Issue :- "It rains so hard it makes your head bleed" Solution :- "Wear a Hat". An alledgedly big issue acros...
Para-phrasing Black Adder:- Issue :- "It rains so hard it makes your head bleed" Solution :- "Wear a Hat". An alledgedly big issue acros...
Para-phrasing Black Adder:- Issue :- "It rains so hard it makes your head bleed" Solution :- "Wear a Hat". An apparently big issue acros...
P.S. If you don't like the natural mechanical clicking and clacking of your keybed, it is possible to add "Felt" or other after market "dampening" ma...
Dismissing any mechanical noises that arise from the keybed (the subtle clacking of the keys that you will hear even when the Unit is powered down)......
This is all so totally wide of the mark. More irrelevant discombobulation. After my previous comments what is there further to discuss? The AN-...
Try the BBC (yes, that BBC, as in British Broadcasting Corporation).
If I understand correctly... the issue is that you can't operate the Assign Switch from the Remote Keyboard (MIDI Controller) unless the Part is "phy...
And in the MODX.
That's because FM-X Waveforms are intentionally pre-filtered (that's why there is a "Skirt" parameter). AN-X produces the "raw" Oscillator (VCO) Wa...
To create formant/vowel like filters, you'll need to choose a Double Filter like LP+ LP, or HP + LP and then modulate the cutoff on one or both of th...
Moving the goal posts. The latest postulation differs from the earlier postulations. I know because I picked through them and replied. It seems ...