Yes, I saw that one... Just find it very odd that Yamaha doesn't have one for their arrangers - including its most expensive keyboard. And the l...
[quotePost id=115431][quotePost id=115429]Can the MODX/Montage read/use MOX (.X4A) files...?[/quotePost]No. The compatible file types that can be dire...
I assume that the SampleRobot for Montage samples can also be used in the MODX, correct...?
So you are telling me that the American Grand for Montage/MODX - is just as good as the new Korg Nautilus Steinway American D samples... Very nice....
Well, now that the new Fantom has been out over a year now... It has had 3 updates ... Is it still "king" as some on here have stated...?