Last seen: Nov 9, 2024
No, I only see [Store as a New Performance}
1. what you did. Utility/BackupFile/Load emerson_ave 3_25.X8A/open Performance "Happy"/make a change to the performance/Store 2. what results you go...
Sorry, I'm still not clear. So Performances that I previously created, saved, and backed up are, when re-loaded from backup, are now considered "Pres...
Let me clarify. When I have re-loaded a User Performance that had been backed up, if I then make further changes to it, I need to save it as a New Pe...
Jason, that fixed it--thank you so much! Thanks, everybody--your expertise makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE to me!
Antony, According to the Basic YouTube link above, I've created the falling siren all right, but the original pitch is retained and still sounding. ...
Yes, a sweep! How may I set this up?
Jason: 2. I hear no "swell" on Brass/Pop Brass Swell. How may I add this? Superknob controls the swell. Generally if you're wondering what a Pe...
Thanks for your detailed responses. However, the CFX Pop/Rock appears not to be multi-part. It only loads in Part 1. I'm combining with no other pe...