Or you could have done a search of the forums using 'x0a file' and found this thread: br /> That reply 107100 is where Bad Mister explains it all. ...
Thanks Bill! And naturally you used BEST PRACTICES and backed up your MODX data before you started right? The good part I did, the better part is ...
Same here, I didn't notice any change! The only issue I faced before (Win10/Edge) is that if I'm within a post offline and I need to reply, I sign ...
Quick Update before this gets too old... [quotePost id=116478]Start here: br /> I started there, and did only this lesson (yes, life is bus...
Something got truncated. I edited the post. Thanks Jason for the edits, now it is clear and it confirmed my understading. And Thanks for sharing s...
Thanks Jason! VL's focus is modeling based on physical properties of the instruments it covered - plucked, bowed, wind, etc. And combining elements...
I'm still learning from something he wrote about VA vs the samples approach of AWM2. Hey @Andrew, do you have a link for this? I am interested!
[quotePost id=116684]I don't know how we get his attention, but AnotherScott is an absolute gem on synthesis types, and their strengths and weaknesses...
Quick update about practical use: Maybe if you want to repeat a Pattern without recording it again, that function might be helpful!
Hopefully someone with practical experience can asnwer this question and tell us how and why to use it... As mentioned, I didn't really inted to an...
Hey Andrew, I didn't play much with the MODX Sequencer, but out of curiosity I googled your question because I never heard before of Patterm Chain ...
I am having a similar problem to what was descirbed above (1 year ago). Was trying SoundMono for the first time yesterday. My MODX is connected ...
[quotePost id=116552]Yes. There are routine seasonal sales. [/quotePost] Thanks Jason! Good to know! I'll keep an eye!