I should mention that the program I am looking for where you can save off data/sequences from many different synthesizers and drum machines that I wou...
Holy sampling Batman! Really? 4,240 views at the time of this writing? I had a single question as to why Yamaha would stop production on the most...
Bad Mister, So true, so true. I think I even mentioned in my post that these would only be people's opinions. I was just hoping that, as you sa...
Is there nobody out there who has purchased third party libraries that would like to give their opinion of them? I see that several people have vie...
David, Did I say they sent me one for free? I don't believe that is in my text. Next, I'm still trying to figure out if internally there is som...
Latest update on this situation. So, I finally had contact with Yamaha Support and they really had no answer other than put a touch of grease on th...
Bad Mister, I have called Yamaha Customer Support, written them, what more can I do? I have not missed their attempt to contact me, they simply ha...
Yamaha support is not responding to this issue. If you search the internet for this problem, go on Motifator or read the articles that Martin inclu...
Kiwi, I totally agree with you. I have postings here that detail my feelings regarding the discontinuation of the Motif. It was simply a general ...
Michele, Thank you for the reply, but the FC3 pedal is a bit more complicated than the FC4. If you look above, I have a couple of FC4 pedals for...
Just as an update. Still waiting for Yamaha's reply. Still have a very expensive pedal that sqeaks so loudly it is driving me nuts that takes aw...