My goal is XG control of my MU-2000 tone generator and plugin cards in my Motif ES. Are there editors for XG on any of the more current DAW's? I did...
I tried installing on a different computer and it went right on, no mention of a serial number at all. Weird. I tried a registry cleaner too on the ...
Thanks Per! This is great! I share my work too.
I did finally find an answer to the original question. There were approximately 2500 FS1R's produced, just in case anyone cares.
I just uploaded an update to the English manuals for the PLG100-SG card to my website. I corrected all of the Google Translate errors and added in lo...
OK, I've got the EVA-SG.mid file now, thanks Johan! Now all we need are the other 5 files that came on a disk with the SG card.
Does anyone have the demo midi songs for this card? They are named: kitasaka.mid, tokinona.mid, koregawa.mid, fmtnight.mid, haruyoko.mid, and EVA_SG...
Another alternate to that would be the MU100R which has the PLG100-VL card in it, basically a VL70M on a card. The MU100R has the MIDI in/out connect...
Well, I posted the manuals on my web site. If anyone is interested, you can download them. PLG100-SG Manuals in English
Thank you sir, you're very helpful!
OH. OK. Thanks Bad Mister, I'll do that. The older software version may still be compliant, though, I'm running Windows-7 on that computer.