Illustrious Member
Joined: Aug 9, 2016
Last seen: Sep 19, 2024
Topics: 104 / Replies: 8049
RE: M8X - Default Standard curve MIN value is NOT zero so doesn't provide a zero volume level

Just out of curiosity, what's the source you're using for "default"? What I mean ... Are the Init Performances (Init Normal AWM2, Init Normal FM-X, e...

2 months ago
RE: M8X - Default Standard curve MIN value is NOT zero so doesn't provide a zero volume level

Assignable knobs are saved parameters for each Part. When you recall a Performance, whatever is in the Part settings will be the values. You ca...

2 months ago
RE: Do you use super knob flashes as visual metronome?

Arpeggios have their own category search screens. You can search for AF1 using the magnifying glass for search and type in "AF1" (or AF2). For...

2 months ago
RE: Do you use super knob flashes as visual metronome?

It does take using a Part but if not all 8 Parts are using an arpeggio then you can pick any Part used for something else (and doesn't have an arp) an...

2 months ago
RE: Do you use super knob flashes as visual metronome?

I did, before authoring the last comment, create a user ARP the "hard" way using Montage only using MIDI record as I mentioned before. What makes it ...

2 months ago
RE: Do you use super knob flashes as visual metronome?

The assignable switches used in presets use "AF1" or "AF2". These do not flash either but instead force them on. I created a quick user arp using M...

2 months ago
RE: Do you use super knob flashes as visual metronome?

Control arps need the same prerequisites as note arps. So yes, arps need to be turned on both master and part level. Triggering is up to you. ...

2 months ago
RE: Do you use super knob flashes as visual metronome?

As an alternative: Montage has LEDs around the assignable knobs and these knobs values can be set using control arps. It may be easier to "see" these...

2 months ago
RE: Email notifications

Regarding the original subject, email notifications: This forum is built upon wpforo. This is what wpforo mentions about the email capabilities...

2 months ago
RE: Montage M, is 9 gb memory is enough for you ?

BTW, as a customer I would prefer the external utility. And I even think for Yamaha there would be benefits. A more active community of "DIY" conte...

2 months ago
RE: Montage M, is 9 gb memory is enough for you ?

Covered earlier. My speculation is that giving such a utility to the public would be considered a security/IP risk. If done inside the box then you ...

2 months ago
RE: If Cubase does not recognize the ESP plugin, this is why

There's some good information here, I was just trying to steer clear of red herrings like "Windows 10" as a contributor.

2 months ago
RE: If Cubase does not recognize the ESP plugin, this is why

If the problem is rooted in op codes or registers implemented at the machine code level of a piece of software (ESP) then I don't particularly see the...

2 months ago
RE: Resources: reface DX - FM Envelope Amplitude Generator

Yamaha's envelopes have two decays before sustain. This affords for some better shaping before the sustain phase which is the horizontal line.The ori...

2 months ago
RE: Help lost sounds

It's no fun learning a lesson the hard way (experiencing some form of loss). Backup often. Place backup files in multiple locations to help re...

2 months ago
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