Thanks. If you go into Advanced arpeggio tab, you will see Accent Velocity Threshld, which is user-adjustable. If you play a drum arpeggio, and stri...
I apologize for my last reply; I must have missed your response that all scenes share the same pattern name. Mystery solved! Thank you; you’ve been ...
If I Record Newpattern1 to scene 1, and Newpattern2 to Scene 2, and I go back and forth between the scenes while on the sequencer screen, the name of ...
I checked it out and found that the pattern changed when I called up the scene, but when in sequencer mode, the name didn’t change when I changed the ...
Thanks for your quick response. I want to use patternA as intro, and PatternB as main, for a jazz piano jam. Both recorded on separate scenes, A on s...
Thanks! You’ve been very helpful.
Thanks for your helpful responses!