Hello, is there any place that has the information about what the DEFAULT factory MIDI CC assignments are for all the faders and knobs in the Montage?...
I BEG you, PLEASE convince Yamaha to include SA2 technology and voices in the Motif series so that more keyboard players get to play these amazing voi...
I have been able to try out the Tyros 5 for the past couple of weeks, and it is an magnificent instrument in many ways. I'm just amazed. You're rig...
Sorry for preaching to the choir again but I'm (obviously) annoyed at Yamaha for sitting on the VL technology without making it a standout feature in ...
Thanks! I'm in Madison, Wisconsin.
Whether or not you were "impressed" with the velocity switching Voice in a particular low-end product is just a matter of your own personal taste - an...
Hi Mister,
As you can probably tell I have a lot of "how come..." questions when it comes to synthesis technology
I have been looking into th...
Wow this is FANTASTIC Avery. Thanks for posting the link. My favorite so far is 18 Hours in New York. Unbelievable. The players are so good. How did y...
Well, it looks like I'm in good company here!
You don't happen to have a recording of the VL Quartet do you?
And please, wax on... I would ...
Thanks for your reply. Since you mentioned the Minimoog... that's what I'm talking about. Forget that I used the term "by storm". The Minimoog was see...
I think Alain has a very valid question, one that I keep asking myself. Why on earth didn't Yamaha's amazing VL technology not take the music world by...