Jason and Bad Mister, Thank you for your very insightful and detailed responses. I was finally able to get Montage Connect to work using my workfl...
Hello Bad Mister. Thank you for the reply. I am using the Cubase AI DAW that came with my Montage purchase, same as with your Montage/Cubase trainin...
Thank you Mark and Jason. Yes, a lot of $$ for the Zaor Miza X2. I just wanted to be sure the Montage 8 will fit. I also looked at Studio Desk En...
Mitchell, that is very cool indeed. I'm going to try to compose something similar. I like that!
I watched a couple minutes of the first video and really like what I see. Looking forward to watching all of them. Thank you for posting those!
I contacted Yamaha Corporation of America out of Buena Park, CA via email. I explained what happened and was immediately sent a link to re-download t...
Hello Bad Mister, I am located in California. Anything you can do to help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.