Hi Bob, did You have any luck with it? I would love to se the project work.
Ok, so after finding an old 30 pin CCK I can confirm, that there is absolutely no way to use Capture on Iphone 4s. The CCK for this generation is desi...
64... that sounds heavenly!
Well... 8 buttons would be extremly cool (I dont mind for large display, when you dont have thousands of sounds) I can see that the main problem is...
Hi Bob, it sounds interesting. How do You load files to SD or USB (or how do you create them)?. Midi out only would be ok then, but wouldnt MIDI in...
Yes! I would love the thing. Do you have any picture? Can you approximate the costs?
I have one technical question. I have read, that CCK works only for iPods and not for iPhones (at least 30 pin version). Is it truth? Does anyone have...
Well, I get the point. I can change drawbars on organ while playing, but I just can not recreate complex sounds of CS on the spot while playing anothe...
Thank You very much. I will look for Camera kit. I like reface very much, but for stage, it is almost useless without memory.
Thank You for the Answer. It is wrong picture. This is the right one It has USB type B, that fits reface CS. But it does not transmit a...
Hi, I have the same problem. I Have Reface CS, iPhone 4s, os 9.3.5 and NI 30 pin to USB (picture of cable below) br /> The app does not recognise s...