Today I just made my first full track in Cubase AI 12 and it sounded so nice (although very basic) to me and my friend to the point that I'm already tempted to upgrade to Cubase Pro lol.
Not dying to, so far playing music was just a hobby and recently got into music production. So I already spent a lot on my gear and some software, and not willing to spend another ~700$ just for fun (sometimes I do) At least, not now.
Is it worth waiting for a sale? Is it ever on sale?
This might seem flippant, but it's not. Sincere question:
What makes you think Cubase Pro will improve your songs over the AI version?
Why it over other DAW brands?
There are routine seasonal sales.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Hey Andrew,
What makes you think Cubase Pro will improve your songs over the AI version?
It will not, that was not the point.
Before Cubase, when I needed MIDI editing I used to use Cakewalk by Bandlanb which was fully featured. I didn't use it for any "Music Production", just used to edit Arrangers Styles MIDIs, and bit of Audio recording.
I always wanted to to learn Music Production, and when I decided to get the MODX (3 months ago now), and it came with Cubase, I decided to learn it on Cubase, simply because I feel it is more supported than a free DAW, has tons of tutorials online, and also the people I follow here and there mostly use Cubase.
Watching videos here and there, I see that the Pro Version have tons of features that I could use and/or learn. As I said, not dying for an upgrade now, but if I continued with this passion, then I am sure Pro will provide a better workflow. Biggest things I already feel I need now:
Full Halion Sonic
Full Groove Gent
MIDI Effects
More Inserts per Track
And VariAudio
Why not another DAW (maybe a cheaper one)? The time I have to Play Music is very short so I'd better stick to one DAW rather than keep learning from scratch.
[quotePost id=116552]Yes.
There are routine seasonal sales.
Thanks Jason!
Good to know! I'll keep an eye!
[quotePost id=116549].
Is it worth waiting for a sale? Is it ever on sale?
It is, and some sales are including the AI version as an upgrade start point.
I got Cubase Pro for something like 250EUR.
Cubase Pro is much better than AI, both overall and for working with the MODX/Montage in particular.
[quotePost id=116553]
I always wanted to to learn Music Production, [/quotePost]
Cubase is great for this as it is one of the broadest DAWs.
It does MIDI very well, audio mixing very well, working with video, even scoring.
[quotePost id=116553]
Biggest things I already feel I need now:
Full Halion Sonic
Full Groove Gent
Those two are not included as full versions, only SE versions.
Retrologue 2 and Padshop 2 are full versions.
You might want to keep an eye on sales for the Absolute collection (they just had one sale recently), it includes Groove Agent, Halion and Halion Sonic, Backbone, and a ton of sounds.