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One little feature on CK that you might not realize

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You know how when you select a liveset such as the way Yamaha has preset them, you might only see one voice "ON" such as CFX piano.

The other (2) voices are there but you can't see what they are because they are turned off meaning inactive.

If you want them turned "OFF" but you'd still like to visually see their names on the screen for your information you can save them while they are turned physically "ON" with the volume slider down to basically "OFF".

This makes 100% more sense than having them invisible and you don't know what surprise awaits you until you press on and some startling sound surprises you. To bring the voice in just bring up the slider or transition to another sound without it causing a sound disturbance until you are ready to bring it in.

This also works on the YC which I had never tried until now. There's really no reason unless by pure design that the other voices should remain invisible when they don't have to even if you don't want them to make any sound.

The number 1 position will always be your primary voice. You can also actually have SSS within those (3) active voices by manipulating the respective volume sliders in a manner that fades in/out whichever you want playing within that one liveset.

Posted : 07/05/2023 5:52 am
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Is that really SSS though? How can the first voice decay to zero without being triggered by new notes intended for voice 2 or 3?

Posted : 07/05/2023 8:14 am
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IF they are instantly active only with no volume and you turn them up that doesn't impact the voice that's playing because it already "thinks" or is indifferent about the other one or two voices. It's not actually switching as it's never been deactivated but the behavior is no different than SSS. All three have their own independent effects and EG/Filters etc. so they are all active even if turned down. How smooth you transition is based on your skill on the sliders. Yeah there's probably not a independent decay but only a fading away using the volume. Yamaha could very easily add a decay feature so once you trigger it, the voice you trigger decays automatically without re-triggering rather than you sliding down the volume. Add that to ideascale.

Posted : 07/05/2023 5:28 pm
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it's really helpful for me ๐Ÿ˜€
blob opera

Posted : 19/05/2023 1:23 am
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@david: I think that robs you polyphony as the sounds are always on, even with volume 0.

Posted : 27/06/2023 1:57 pm
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That's true. But with 128 polyphony and max of 3 sounds, it probably won't be an issue all that often. If one of the sounds is piano or similar that relies on a lot of sustain pedal use while the others in the live set do not, I would turn off the sustain pedal function for those other sounds, so they don't "invisibly" use up that additional polyphony while you're just playing piano.

Posted : 27/06/2023 5:31 pm
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Also once you select a live set and all three voices appear on the screen to simply remind you of what they are you can always flip them back off again if not required or you need polyphony. So it's just a convenience feature mainly but Yamaha could add what's called "inactive" so that the name is still visible but the voice is "off". Which could also allow you to scroll through a part "B" for example while inactive to locate a new "B" voice while playing voice "A", "C" &/or organ. The hidden voices should always be visible so I'm not sure why this wasn't implemented ages ago on the CP line or YC and especially CK.

Posted : 27/06/2023 8:08 pm
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Posted : 06/07/2023 7:07 am

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