hi all!
So I was watching the latest Tech Talk (s05e01) on the Montage M (don’t ask why, since I don’t have a Montage M…). At the end, around minute 35-36, Blake starts answering some questions on different synth topics: if there is a possibility to pan sections fully left or right on the YC series. He replies: no, currently not possible on YC, but we implemented it on the CP series, because it was a requested feature on IdeaScale.
So… now I have been looking for this feature on my CP, but can not seem te find it.
- anyone knows where to find it? (I got the latest 1.5 OS)
- was Blake mistaken? @Blake, if you read this, no hard feelings.
- Or wasn’t he mistaken, and is it implemented in a firmware installment that did not yet get published…?
nice to see the forum is up again btw!
He replies: no, currently not possible on YC, but we implemented it on the CP series,
While you wait for a reply here you might consider using the 'Contact Us' link on one of the Yamaha Main pages and ask Yamaha support directly.
I don't have a CP and the only mention I find in the manual is for auto pan in the Electric Piano section. That doesn't seem to match what Blake mentioned.
Hi Luuc,
No, you heard correctly. . YC Series is what I meant. That feature was added in YC OS v1.3, and I just totally got the two mixed up.
With that said, that exact feature has been requested on IdeaScale. We forwarded the request on to our developers and it may very well be added in an future update! Stay tuned.
That makes more sense to hard pan the YC for different amps/effects including using a real Leslie for organ and dry or external effects (non-rotary) for the rest. At least you know you have an audience.
FYI - here's the associated presentation on the new YC panning feature:
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Great to see all these replies after one day. Thanks all!
and thanks, Blake, for your explanation.
To be honest, I don’t mind not having this feature on my YC, but I just could not imagine not being able to find this function on my board. I think I know my CP quite well, so to say.
and I’ll definitely stay tuned!
That makes more sense to hard pan the YC for different amps/effects including using a real Leslie for organ and dry or external effects (non-rotary) for the rest. At least you know you have an audience.
I really wish they had brought that feature to the CK. I wonder if there are any plans for any updates for that model? I've been meaning to post a bunch of ideas for that one.
In addition to your organ example, it's also very useful for people playing LH bass. If you've got a sound person, they will want the ability to adjust the level of the band's "bass guitar" separately from the rest of the keys. Or when the audience is hearing the band from their stage gear (no FOH system for bass), it can sound a lot better to send your bass patch into a bass amp, I've done that a lot.