Greetings - - I use Windows 7 (soon to upgrade), Cubase 8.5 (just purchased 9), mLAN and the VST Editor.
I have no issues with the rig, and rely HEAVILY, and use extensively, the mLAN setup which continues to be amazing. As it was designed/intended, my Motif ES6 in this situation is my complete studio audio and MIDI interface. 🙂
Two questions: 1. I wish to install Cubase 9 at the earliest possible moment. Are there any known issues, specifically with mLAN/VST Editor if I were to do so?
2. Sorry if this is a "duh" . . . I have 5 very active jingle projects in progress right now - - can I install 9, open it separately to "kick the tires", , but just finish up these current projects in 8.5?
Thank - Pete Radd
I would highly recommend finishing your current projects on the system you know works.
I was not aware there was a VST Editor for the ES- so I'm not sure what you are referring to with that question. As VST Editors for Yamaha synths started with the XS, what version Editor are you talking about.
It's not likely anyone is testing stretching the ES period mLAN (which started Cubase SX2) with Cubase Pro 9. So why risk it. Finish your current project on a working system, then you can start experimenting with Cubase Pro 9 on a brand new set of Projects.
Thanks for the reply BM . . . . I meant "XS" . . . I have a Motif XS6 with mLAN installed.
If you did have an ES still running mLAN, you were truly a "wizard"! 🙂
There was a paradigm shift in how computers dealt with audio (some where during that time). Okay, an XS, that had the first true VST EDITOR that combined the Voice and Multi Part functions into a single Editor and did not require the Studio Manager to rewire things for the DAWs.
But my recommendation still stands. Finish your Projects on the version you started then with. Changing your version of Cubase mid-Project places you in that situation where instead of sitting on the side awaiting early "fixes", your hands might be tied in a situation where you can't proceed until they come up with a fix. (Eventually, they will... but if you are forced to watch that 'pot boil', it will seem longer to you).
Finish your Project with the one that has gotten you this far! That's just the wise move.
BM - your advice is highly appreciated, and will be followed to the letter. (even though I'm dying to install C9).
By the way - - am I in the minority of users who take extreme advantage of the audio routing coolness with this setup?
Between the remote mode, the ability to route Motif voices to different group channels in Cubase . . . I can't imagine needing or wanting any other hardware.
There has been info coming from Steinberg on compatibility and items still being tested.
By the way - - am I in the minority of users who take extreme advantage of the audio routing coolness with this setup?
The audio and MIDI connectivity is being used by quite a few folks. Power users are probably less than half because many do not connect to computers, they simply play their XS live. But those who have discovered it seem very pleased with the functionality.
gRADDittude 🙂